How much do you want to actually spend Don really is the question because
all prices Are different. I Just Bought An new All in wonder 8X Video card
for a new machine that I am building and i paid 
230 for it at Frys. It depends on what you want. This new card I can't
comment on just yet since we're still getting parts together for this new
machine and i won't be able to comment on the new machine till the
beginning of 2004 but let me say that the all in wonder is rated quite
high. It's all video and a tv stereo tuner card so it would be a good one.
Always try and think about what you'd like and what you are willing to
spend. I haven't built a new system in 3 years and it's time for me
although this machine runs fantastic but time to update to new and
hopefully greater technology. Look at it this way if you put in cheap fans
they will give you trouble. My honest recommendation for products is which is Frys Electronics. They can sell you stuff at great
prices for the most part. We have built oh goodness dozens of systems on my
dining room table for people and rarely have we ever had to return stuff to
frys. Pinical makes a great card for around 80. I understand the software
is quite excessible. it's a tv tuner card with video. Now if tv tuning is
not your interest then you can find video cards for 12 bucks but be aware
that you will want to make sure that your mother board will support the
card. I hope this info is helpful.

d*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 10/4/2004 at 9:49 PM Donald L. Roberts wrote:

>I am writing to request ideas as to what I need and approximately how much
>should expect to pay to do the following:  At some point, I plan to
>a DVD burner.  I would like to purchase something like a tv tuner card for
>my computer with external input and output jacks.  Actually, I don't need
>the tuner, I just need a means of feeding the video from my Dish Network
>receiver into the dvd burner, and I of course want an output jack so as to
>feed the video out to a television set.  My computer has no R C A plugs,
>just the standard V G A jack.
>So what are my options, and how much should I expect to spend?  A couple
>other things:  I have no desire to edit video, I want to record and play
>Are there any advantages of a stand alone dvd burner over one which is
>computer controlled?  Lastly, in terms of accessibility by one who is
>totally blind, are the dvd burners approximately equal, or are some more
>accessible than others?
>Sincere thanks for responses.
>Don Roberts
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