Yes, MP3DirectCut is fantastically fast, much faster than SoundForge or
I use it for recording drama from BBC Radio 4  & for editing out unwanted
portions of audio.
It works quite well with Jaws 4.51, Jaws 5.0 & Jaws 5.10.
There are also scripts available if you need them, but not essential.
It can tell immediately the playing time of a large audio file, say 85 megs,
& you can go instantly to any spot withing that same file.
Also, you can press the right or left arrow key while the audio is playing,
& hear just as with an audio cd.
It's terrific!
Harry Bassler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bobcat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 1:24 AM
Subject: Mp3DirectCut was: recording radio broadcasts.

> I just discovered that Mp3DirectCut can record direct to mp3 with the Lame
> mp3 encoder.  The program has a command line option to start recording
> immediately so one can setup a shortcut with a hotkey to start recording
> from anywhere within Windows.  You could also use your favorite scheduling
> program to record radio shows.  This program is free.  I haven't had any
> trouble with spyware from Mp3DirectCut.  Check it out at:
> It works well with WindowEyes.  There are lots of direct access keys.  The
> record meters are in text form.
> A few things take a bit of getting used to.  Fore example:  If you want to
> place a marker during playback.  You press b for set begin then n for set
> end then c for cut while the file is paused.  If the begin and end marks
> in the same place, they are treated is a mark instead of cutting the
> selected area.
> I wish other audio editors were as easy to use.  I'm just about to try the
> latest version which has a few new features.
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