Hi Kris,

If you're using a screenreader, don't bother with MusicMatch Jukebox. Winamp is a far better option in so far as using the keyboard is concerned.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Kristine Hickerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "pc-audio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 5:10 PM
Subject: Music Services Questions

Hi All,

I have two questions.

1. Does anyone use MusicMatch Jukebox? If so, how accessable is it? How
do the different programs very, i.e. what would I get with MusicMatch, Music
Match on Demand? I think I do want the MusicMatch Radio stations, but I'm
not sure I need the MusicMatch music store.

2. Has anyone had experience with a program called LimeWire? I have it and
I can't get it to do anything. I'm having what is beginning to look like a
very negative experience. I decided to try the mymusicinc. link. It looks
like it could be very nice, so I signed up. In order to download their
music you are instructed to download LimeWire, which I did. However, it
appears not to be at all accessable. I had 30 days to try the program with
a supposedly money back guarantee. I have sent 3 e-mails to the company
telling them that their product is not accessable and asking what I need to
do to obtain a refund. To date, I have not had the curtesy of a reply. My
30 days is nearly ujp. I'll keep you all posted, because I believe this is
going to be a website we need to stay away from.

Any information regarding these two products will be appreciated.

Kris Hickedrson

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