WRONG AGAIN! Mimi, this information is DEAD WRONG. Listen carefully please. Window Eyes Standard will NOT, I repeat, will NOT work with any version of XP. You must upgrade to WE Professional in order to enable you to work with any version of XP. The cost, as I previously stated, is $250 to upgrade to that version. All you have to do is call GW Micro at their phone number which is at the bottom of their web site, and they will verify what I've stated. Good luck
On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 23:33:31 -0600 "doc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Your screen reader will be determined by the version of xp you get. > XP home > will work with any version, pro will need more umph. > Doc Wright > http://wrightplaceinc.net > If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why? > then where does the learning start? > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 5:49 AM > Subject: Windows XP question > > > Hello, everyone! > > I am thinking about getting a Windows XP > system in a few months, but hanging onto > this older computer in case things don't > work out. Someone says that there are > compatibility issues between XP and > Nero, which is the burning program I > use. Would I be able to use Cdex on > another system? Does Windows XP have > the same volume control layout that > Windows 98 has, which includes settings > for line-in and things like that? And, > I am currently using Window-Eyes 4.5 so > wonder if I would have to get another > version of Window-Eyes to use with XP > HOme. Any answers to your questions > will be greatly appreciated. Being on a > budget, I'm limited to what I can spend. > Thanks. > > Mimi > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > _______________________________________________ > PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... > http://www.pc-audio.org > > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > _______________________________________________ > PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... > http://www.pc-audio.org > > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > _______________________________________________ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]