Hi Larry,

I use a program called cdwave for this purpose.  It's reasonably accessable,
and allows either manual or auto split.  You can also convert the split
files to mp3 in addition to standard wav.

You'll find more info at


Tim, Bangor, N. Ireland

Skype:  white_freightliner

Music trading page

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Naessens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: splitting a large wave file into smaller files

> Hi everyone. What I have here is 1 huge  wave file consisting of ten
> and I want to splet it into ten individual tracks. Any suggestions as to
> what software to use to accomplish this task? I have a program that will
> easily do this for Windows Media files, but I don't want to keep
> the file type back and forth. Could Goldwave do the job? I suspect so, but
> thus far I've only managed to get it to trim the excess sound off of the
> beginning and end of the one large wave file. I don't mind purchasing
> shareware to complete my task as long as it's within reason. Also, I would
> prefer to do the job by marking the file at the points where I want to
> it. I've tried programs that split files automatically and have been less
> than impressed with results. Can anyone suggest the best method of doing
> what I need to do here?
> My thanks for the expertise.
> Larry
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