That comes up in the install as well

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: 25 August 2004 09:31
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: Winamp 5.04 accessible?

Yes, it can be made accessible, but it's pretty tricky.

You have to switch in to Classic Winamp in order for everything to work
as it did before.

To do this, you need to access the preferences dialogue, and arrow down
to the skins area of the tree view. In the options panel, you will find
that you have a choice between Classic Winamp, and Modern Winamp. It
defaults to Modern Winamp. Jaws will also go a bit weird at this point,
but don't panic. If it says, List box Winamp Modern 2 of 2, then
obviously you just up arrow once to select Classic Winamp. Then rather
than trying to figure out where it's thrown your cursor, just exit
Winamp completely and re-open it. Your changes should have taken effect,
and you should now be able to turn off the various bits of the screen
you don't want.

You should also be aware that they have now introduced a new component
called the Media Library. This can be turned off in a similar way to the
mini browser, equalizer and play-list editor.

I would like to point out however, that if someone could modify the
existing Winamp scripts to take advantage of the new Winamp layout, it
would be an incredibly powerful tool for most of us. This is largely
because it can now support practically any audio/video playback, burn
and rip CD's, and even play DVD movies as far as I can tell. What's
more, if we could use the Media library screen, everything is right
there ready to use. No messing around with menus and trying to remember
a billion hotkeys! Everything ready to go in one place. But there are
parts of the screen that do not work out of the box, and I for one,
refuse to mouse around using the Jaws Cursor! That's a cop-out, and it
isn't a reliable way of accessing software really because you end up
hearing every last graphic, symbol and character on every line, and
somewhere amongst all that babble is the one tiny thing you're looking
for! LOL!

One other catch however, is that if you wish to rip tracks from a CD in
to MP3 format, you actually have to buy Winamp Pro! What a surprise! I
expect there are a number of other features which are not accessible in
the basic version, but I believe that Pro is not very expensive.
Certainly not as expensive as say, Real Player Pro would be.

Hope this helps.



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