If I read an earlier post correctly, Christopher Chaltain reported
success getting NFL fieldpass to work with RP8.  If anyone out there
has done this and has time to document their steps it would be greatly
appreciated by at least one subscriber.

I have Windows XP Pro, and RealPlayer 8 +.  I registered for the
initial seven day NFL field pass tryal, but when ever I click on a live
or archived game link I am again presented with the fieldPass sign-up
page.  I enter my log-on info and receive a page indicating that I am
already registered.  There does not appear to be a listen link anywhere
on this page -- it simply indicates that I can link back to NFL.COM.

I have cookies and scripting disabled so I went into IE settings and
restored factory defaults for everything but the result did not vary. 
I disabled Norton Antivirus and my Spyware software and still no

I prefer playing RealAudio content with Winamp hence want to avoid
installing newer RealNetworks code if at all possible.  Last year my
desire for NFL field pass forced the installation of RealOne and that
cost me the ability to fast forward or jump to offsets in RealMedia
files.  Given RealNetwork's track record I don't expect that 10.5
changes anything in this regard?

Thanks in advance for any/all advice and best regards.
Geoff Waaler

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