while in winamp press ault+3 on the top row to edit the properties.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joanne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "pc-audio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:19 PM
Subject: hope it's not off-topic--fixing music files

> I hope I'm writing to the list and please direct me if this isn't on topic.
> I have a music folder that I have put in alphabetical order by song.  I use
> Winamp as my player and when opening some files the window may say "no
> artist" or it may even give the wrong artist.  I know sometimes when
> downloading music the person who has the song may misname it or give it the
> wrong artist's name.  Is there a way, using Jaws and XP, to correct this?  I
> know how to rename a song--with f2.  But is there a property or something I
> can go into where I can rename the artist and even album title from where
> the song came?  Thanks for any feedback.
> Joanne
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