With older MD machines, one simply cannot upload period. With the new
HI-MD recorders from Sony, one can, but it is cumbersome. Minidisc is not
for people who want to upload conveniently to a pC.

   <*** Michael Lang ***>

You wrote:

> Hi
> I have a friend who recently bought a Samsung Minidisk with a USB connection 
> to his computer. His intention was to record his voice to synchronise with 
> his home made videos which he would then import to the computer and then 
> apply to his ADobe Premier timeline. Everything went well when he made the 
> recording but his Samsung would not let him copy the file over into the 
> computer. Having spoken to Samsung they informed him that the USB connection 
> was to take materials from his computer (usually ripped CD tracks) and to 
> place them on the Minidisk. Files could not be transferred back again, 
> neither could newly created files on the Minidisk because it might breach 
> copyright eg. making a second copy from the ripped tracks placed onto the 
> Minidisk.

> While we understand the copyright precautions it seems very wrong to limit 
> him (or anyone) from being able to transfer his own voice files by the best 
> connection, USB and digital.

> Has anyone heard of this, perhaps with another minidisk? Is there a 
> workaround, for example if he has the Minidisk drivers installed will any 
> more general media transfer software do the job? If so, which?

> Any ideas? Thanks in anticipation.

> Gordon McFarlane 

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