sheryl I have a couple of his books I'd be glad to share with you.
if you look on some of the audio books news groups you can find them
sometimes.  chris

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cheryl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 4:58 AM
Subject: audio book question.

> Hi, everyone. I'm a recent dean koontz fan, and was looking for his books
> in mp3. I posted the following message to his news group, but got no
> response. I was hoping I'd have better luck here. You can email me off
> list, to keep traffic light.
> Thanks for any and all help,
> Cheryl
> Following is the message.
> Hi, everyone. I recently downloaded a copy of fear nothing in mp3.
> however, piece 13, [it's a set of 20 files], is missing the first few
> minutes of the story. my question is, does anybody have an mp3 of part
> 13 that they could send me? the file is supposed to start with,
> "although I wanted to trust rosevelt, I shared orsin's doubts....." My
> file starts with chris saying, "That's a bleak assessment." Also, I'm
> looking for good quality mp3s of seize the night. If anyone can help
> me with either of these questions, I'd really appreciate it.
> Thanks, Cheryl


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