Hi. Although you can use rechargeable batteries with the bookport, it is not recommended as you might not get a correct percentage of the battery life remaining.
But I know some people who use rechargeables. I don't and get probably 60 hours or more.
At 7/11/2004, you wrote:
According to the manual for the Book Port, mp3 at 128 bit rate will
play fine and in stereo.

There is no A.C. plug adapter. Its recommended that you buy and use
rechargeable batteries and recharge on a separate battery charger.

The unit comes with a 64 mb flash card and you can buy additional
flash cards from your local computer store.

I understand that both the Book Port and the Book courier will accept
storage/playback of Audible books from audible.com

Hope this information helps you a little more to get a clear idea of
the Book Port.

Aloha, Milton M. Ota Associate Dealer, Hawaii Island Computer Access Now, I.C.A.N. 1318 Kanewai Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1718 Phone: (808)734-0612 Cell: (808)295-2528 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Website: http://www.hgea.org/~mota

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeff - The Ultra Guy Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 12:41 PM To: PC audio discussion list. Subject: Re: the Book Port

Thanks, Milton, for the information in your message quoted below. If only there was a similar product which used Eloquence text to speech rather than Doubletalk I'd snap it up in a heartbeat.

I read the article comparing the BookPort and BookCourier, but I felt
it did an inadequate job of comparison.  It really just listed the
features of each product without much comparison.

Nowhere did I find much information about the mp3 capabilities of
these products.  What bit rates do they support?  More importantly,
what bit rates do they *not* support?  Can bookmarks be placed within
mp3 files?  I think my primary use for the unit would be to listen to
audio and perhaps audible.com books, so I'd be most interested in the
detailed differences between the two units in this regard.

Are there other products which I should consider for listening to
audio/audible.com books?

Also, nowhere was anything mentioned about AC adaptors.  Can either of
these units be run off of AC?  If not, it seems one would go through a
lot of batteries.

I did notice that in addition to the BookCourier being $20 less
expensive, it also includes twice the memory.

Jeff, the Ultra guy

----- Original Message -----
From: "Milton M. Ota" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 5:59 PM

Allow me to answer two postings in one--

I believe that the firmware in the BookPort over the Book Courier will
support Daisy format 3.0 where the Book Courier currently was only
supporting Daisy format 2.2. Whether that makes any difference at this
time is not that important as there are not many books available in
Daisy 3.0.

The BookPort is a product of the American Printing House for the
Blind, Inc. information about the BookPort can be found at their
website at:


You can find a website on the Book courier at:


And for all interested parties, go to the web of the American
Foundation for the Blind's Accessworld for July 2004 and read a
comparison report of the two devices we are talking about here.


Milton M. Ota

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