There's thousands of radio stations on the Net.  Some uses Winamp and some
uses Realplayer or Realone now, and some uses Windows Media Player.  Some
have their own players which you must download somehow, but I have not been
successful at accessing those.  Since I do not have Real Player on my
system, I don't bother with those stations that uses it.  It's too
frustrating for me.  But if WMP activates automatically on a station link
that uses that, then I can listen with no problem.  Otherwise, the rest I
listen to in Winamp wherever possible.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "andrew shipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:24 AM
Subject: lissoning to the radio on the net

> Hello all,  first off I will apologise if this question has been asked on
> the group  before,  but how do you lisson to a radio station on the net?
> also is there a website that  give links to radio stations?  Many thanks
> advance for any help regarding this.
> Regards
> Andrew Shipp
> Located Northamptonshire
> Home phone 01604-517007,
> Mobile )07773457805,
> I am also the Manager and Moderator of blind-gardening.
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