You need to set the FFT to 12, default, at least in 4.26 that I have, is 6, and set the overlap for 95, that should help. That's if you want to preserve length. Shawn --- Dean masters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I recorded a song from tape to my pc using goldwave > 5. I then used noise > reduction then raised the pitch 4 semitones. I did > not change any other > settings in the pitch dialog. Now the voices sound > like the chipmunks. Is > there something I can change to get all the music > along with the voices to > sound like the original, only higher? > > Dean > > I personally know someone who literally is older > than dirt. > If you would like to meet him, please write to me > or join us on the Masters List: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > _______________________________________________ > PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... > > > > To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email > to: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] >
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