I have a feeling that the manic fin who writes the program, and constantly updates it, has changed the list view, to a grid. Don't know if this is your problem, but it's the reason I haven't upgraded from version 6/x
At 18:29 07/07/2004, you wrote:
Hi all, got a problem with the latest version of the above, which I hope someone can help with.
When I try to copy a compilation Cd, the programme lists all the tracks as separate directories, rather than all the tracks in one albums directory. each directory is call Artist name/album title. So you'd have say Robert Palmer addicted to love, survivor addicted to love, meatloaf addicted to love, where the album is called "addicted to love" and it's a compilation album, where 3 of the tracks on the album are by Survivor, Robert Palmer and Meatloaf. I want the directory to be called "various Artists", the next level down to be the albums title, and the bottom level to e the track name with the artist. The problem is of course, where the album is by a particular artist, I.E. a Mike Oldfield album, Mike Oldfield needs to be the top directory name, with the album, say Tubular Bells, being listed as a sub-directory off that, along with the other Mike Oldfield albums.
Hope that's reasonably clear, and if you can help, it would be very much appreciated. I don't appear to have had the problem with earlier versions of EZCD.
Rob --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.716 / Virus Database: 472 - Release Date: 05/07/2004
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