Hi Mac. You probably will get different answers to this question but for
recording streaming audio a good program that works well is Total Recorder

This is an excellent tool. There are plugins for Winamp such as Stream
Ripper that also will record streams.

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On 6/22/2004 at 3:31 PM Mac Norins wrote:

>Dear Listers,
>I am trying to learn how to capture, or record streaming audio to my hard
>drive.  I have no idea how to do this.  I want to capture internet radio
>programs, audio from video (on news programs or from C SPAN  and the
>Is there a trick to this or am I just not seeing what is up with it?  I
>listened to Brian Hartgen's tutorial, on A C B  Main Menu, but it was a
>little bit too technical or something.
>Any help?
>Mac Norins
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