you running windows media player 9?
if not try giving that a shot and seeing if winamp and windows player plays
the file
it may be a file that use the windows media 9 codecs
----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Wojtecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: problem with windows media player.

> Kevin,
> I'm wondering if this is the problem I'm having also, smile.  My situation
> is a little more complicated, though ... I have recorded a presentation
> within the Ivocalize chat client.  The default recording settings allow
> files to be saved, one with an .htm extension which opens in IE and seems
> stream.  This is about a 5kb file.  The other is a larger file with a .wma
> extension.  When I try to open this file Winamp comes up but will not play
> it.  I have all file types selected in the Winamp preferences and .wma is
> definitely checked, but Winamp will not play it and does not show any
> messages that I have found.  Also, Windows Media Player cannot seem to
> the file, which I don't understand.  In any case, I'm assuming I should be
> able to play it in either one player or the other but can't get it
> I saw a similar question on another list where someone was trying to play
> .wma files in Winamp but having a similar problem, so does anyone know how
> this is done?  Hope this makes some sense.
> Susan
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