Are you trying to burn the .mp3 to .wav?  If so, when the .mp3 is
converted to cdda format, you probably are over the size limit.  If you
are just trying to burn it as an .mp3 disk, I don't know what the
problem is.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/21/2004 2:40:05 PM >>>
Well I give up and ask the masters for help.

In Nero 5.7 I am able to burn several mp3 files but when I attempt to
six mp3 files with a total of less than 200 thousand k, the program
says it
will not fit on the cd disk. Yet I burn over 600 thousand k on the same
from a combination of two .wav  files. All the files in question are
audio files.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


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