The 80 minute recording time is for a minidisc at the standard play back
mode.  There are up to two so called long play modes generally
designated as lp2 and lp4.  Using an 80 minute minidisc and the longest
mode you can get up to 5 hours of material on the 80 minute disk.

You will experience some reduction in sound quality the slower you go
though.  It also takes longer to access material stored on the disk as
there is more to look through.



>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/18/2004 10:29:26 AM >>>
Hello listers,
I have a question about mini disks.
I have a sony net md player and it takes mini disks that have a
shield one  recordable media is provided with it. the disk itself  says
min recording but the documentation of this player says up to 5 hours
music on one disk.
I don't understand?
How can it say 80 min and 5 hours?
Could some one shed some light on this?
I would really appreciate it. I want to use this for recording books
too and
I know that a book is alott longer than 80 min.

Thanks for any info.

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