Hi listers

I have several mp3 files I want to burn to a CD, which I have never done before. I 
have Goldwave 4.26, and some version of Nero. Some questions:

1. How can I quickly convert all these files from .mp3 to .wav format, without doing 
this one file at a time?

2. What is the easiest way to copy these .wav files to the CD drive while keeping them 
in a specific order?

3. If I copy them one file at a time, are they automatically copied so that there is 
minimal space or gap between the files?

4. Is the first file automatically placed at the physical start of the CD?

5. Once I have completed copying these files to the CD, do I need to do anything else 
to complete the job?

I hope these questions make sense.

Thanks a lot in advance!



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