Hi all, after I stream, and have told the shoutcast plugin to be the
second in command, in the dsp tab of the sqr plugin, I find that the
shoutcast plugin always comes up in the system tray, and when it is
like that, when I alt f4 out of a folder, I land on the task bar,
rather than in the folder where I want to be, so, I want to turn off
everything after first, double left clicking on the shoutcast source
plugin window, and after alt tabbing back in, I find the disconnect
button, and press it, close the window to the system tray, and go to
the shoutcast server, where I left click on kill server, and say yes to
the prompt, and the shoutcast server closes, then I go to winamp, and
select preferences, and first select none from the dsp plugins with the
home key, and then from the output plugins, I select the sqr cross
fader, go in to configure, and focus on the tab control, with the up
arrow, and then right arrow over to the dsp plugin, tab to the combo
box, and there's one item, so, I tab to the list view, and select none
with the home key, and that's when things freeze up, and I had a
windows crash while streaming on Friday, and had to run disk doctor to
correct an error with sc-serve, which was corrected, but, what is the
best way of shutting everything connected with the stream down, so I
can work with winamp, and have more focus?  I have tried just closing
the server, then closing winamp, but especially after a stream, winamp
gives me an illegal operations message when shutting down, and I want
to stop this.  I also have found that even when no plugins are
selected, except the waveout.dll for winamp, that as long as the dsp
plugin is second in command, the shoutcast plugin comes up in the
system tray, and that's why I want to turn off everything after the
stream is completed, but when I do, at first, everything freezes up,
and I have to re-boot, or, sometimes, if I'm lucky, I can just re-start
winamp, but the illegal operations message always happens after a
stream is completed, and I don't want to damage more archive files, as
mine today was 54 megs in size.  Sorry for going on and on, but I just
want to clear up some of the things that I think are puzzling to me.  


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