Burning oversized CDs

We may sometimes find CDs (audio or data CDs) that are longer than the
normal 74 minutes ones. It can be then very frustrating not to be able to
make any back-up copies of such CDs as the normal 74 minutes CD-Rs
(640-680MB) don't provide enough place to burn the whole data.
But there are basically 2 solutions to this problem :

1. the first one deals with CD-Rs that have a writing-capacity of 80 minutes
2. the second one concerns CD-Recorders that allow to burn more data on CDs
than other CD-Recorders would allow it.

But a couple of problems can appear while burning oversized CDs. There are
actually 3 kinds of possible problems :
the first and most annoying problem is to find out some reading-errors at
the end of the CD, and especially in the sectors located out of the normal
burning capacity. Thus, in Audio CDs, these errors would be revealed as
kinds of noises, scratches or silences at the end of the CD. With Data CDs,
some data may simply not be readable.
the second problem is that we may get SCSI/Atapi error-messages and then the
CD-Recorder will stop the burn process. These error-messages are
"Write-emergency" or "
Track following error". However, in spite of these errors, burnt CDs are
still more or less readable till the end of the CD. Moreover, it is
important to underline that such errors depend a lot on the quality, the
brand of the CD-Rs as well as on the type of CD-Recorder. There is
unfortunately no possibility to determine automatically the exact
oversize-capacity of a CD.

3. the third problem is that oversize-burning might in very few cases damage
the CD-Recorder.

When you are a Nero user and absolutely want to burn oversized CDs, please
check first if your CD-Recorder allows such a burning-session. For most of
the CD-Recorders, such an option is possible only in "Disc At once " mode.

If you have one of these CD-Recorders that supports oversize CD recording,
you can then open the "expert features" in the Nero settings ("File" ->"
Preferences"). In the "expert features" property sheet, you will be then
able to activate the oversize-burning option. In the same window, you have
the possibility to enter the maximal oversize capacity of your CD-R.

When the data you want to burn is bigger than the normal capacity of CD-R
but smaller than the maximal oversize capacity entered, and when you have
activated the oversize burning option, Nero will then ask you if you really
want to try the oversize burning process. If you answer yes, Nero will
continue the burn process. If not, the burn process will be cancelled.

As already said, there is no possibility to determine automatically the
maximum oversize capacity of your CD-R. It means that you must first test
where is the border of your CD-R, this depending on the brand of the CD.
Usually, 74 minutes CDs allow an oversize burning of 76 Minutes without any
big problems. We can also find 74 minutes CDs that offer oversize burning
capacity of 79,30 minutes ! Nero 4.0 also allows oversize burning of 80
minutes CD-Rs (up to 82 minutes).

We would recommend you first to try the simulation or the burning with 76
minutes. If, at the end of the burn process or the simulation, there is an
error message, then try to set up again the maximal oversize burning
capacity or try with another brand of CD-Rs. On the contrary, if you don't
get any error message, it means that this border is still higher.

Important Note: according to the specifications of the manufacturers,
oversize burning may, in theory, destroy the CD-Recorder. But in practice,
it happens very rarely. Anyway, we can't give any guaranty concerning the
reading quality of such burnt CD's. That is why we can only warn you: you
can try oversize burning but at your own risk !

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marijan Janev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2004 11:19 AM
Subject: Re: Adding Tracks to a Compilation in Nero

> Hi experts,
> Speaking of Nero burning, yesterday I finished a new talking book in my
> Macedonian language in .mp3 and wanted to burn it to a disk. The book has
> 705MB and I tried to burn it on a 80-minute CD, but I couldn't. Nero
> (version every time said there is no enough space and never gave
> me the option of overburn. Why?
> Any idea?
> Thanks in advance!
> Sincerely,
> Marijan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 2:46 PM
> Subject: Re: Adding Tracks to a Compilation in Nero
> Gary,
> You can repeatedly add tracks to a compilation that you're building by
> following steps 7 to 11 in the notes I've pasted below.
> Using Nero to burn a compilation from tracks stored on your hard drive
> 1. Start Nero from the desktop or programs menu.
> 2. Select CD from the choice of medium that can be written to by Nero.
> to Next and press enter.
> 3. Select "compile a new CD" from the radio buttons.  Tab to Next and
> enter.
> 4. Now choose the format of the CD you would like to burn.  Select Audio
> from the radio buttons if you want a CD that will play in standard CD
> players or select Data if you want a CD that will be used to contain MP3
> tracks that will only be played in an MP3 player.  Tab to Next and press
> enter.
> 5. Press enter on the Finish button and the compilation window will be in
> focus.
> 6. Use the keystroke windows + E to start Windows Explorer.
> 7. Locate the tracks you wish to add to your compilation by browsing the
> folders on your hard drive where they reside.
> 8. For selected tracks, use the keystroke control + C to copy them to the
> clipboard.
> 9. Press alt + tab to bring the Nero compilation window back into focus.
> 10. Use the keystroke control + V to paste the tracks into the
> 11. Repeat steps 7 through 10 until you have added all of the tracks you
> want to include in your compilation.
> 12. You may now want to reorder the tracks in your compilation.  To do
> use the keystroke control + X to cut the track to the keyboard then use
> up and down arrow keys to locate the track that you wish to immediately
> follow the track you've just cut to the clipboard.  Use the keystroke
> control + V to paste the track into the compilation and it will then
> at this point.  NOTE:  this reordering is only possible if you have chose
> audio format and not possible for data format.
> 13. When you are ready to burn your compilation, close all running
> applications so that Nero is not competing for your computer's resources.
> 14. To burn the compilation, press alt + F to open the file menu and then
> press W to open the Burn dialogue.
> 15. Tab to the Burn button and press enter.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 8:36 PM
> Subject: Adding Tracks to a Compilation in Nero
> Hi all.  I enjoyed reading the posts on how to use Nero, for all the new
> users.  I used CDex to rip my CD tracks to the harddrive.  I want to add
> my MP3 compilations in Nero.  I got my first ten tracks copied from the
> harddrive.  When I go back to Nero, I need to know how to add more tracks.
> I have nearly 150 track that I ripped to the harddrive.  Now I need to put
> all those on an MP3 CD.  I hope somebody can help.
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