hi, i've recently installed the turtle beach santa cruz card. from what i
read this card was supposed to be fantastic, sounding great! are there any
settings i can access anywhere to tweak the audio quality of the card?
because to be honest so far i'm disappointed!! and it's blanked out the
"advanced" option in the options menu of my volume control. which is where,
from memory i could alter tone, base etc with my old SBlive card. at the
moment this new card sounds muffled, and tinny with no base at all! i'm
using exactly the same set up as before, i have my audio running through my
hi-fi. the only thing that has changed is the sound card! i've got to be
missing something here, i can't believe a card with such good reviews can
sound so poor!! i know the santa cruz control panel isn't accessible without
sighted help, are the options i need to tweak in there?
email or msn
cheers - kevin

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