Hello there.

I hope this is a good place to ask.

I together with some folks are doing owncloud sync app for Ubuntu Touch [1][2] using QML, Qt and owncloud-client-cmd. I managed to get owncloud-client-cmd (owncloudcmd) running independently of system Qt libraries by stuffing all needed by owncloudcmd libs in one dir and adjusting LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.

How ever I wanted to build owncloudcmd statically with all needed libs so I no longer need to adjust this variable.

I know that owncloudcmd source is located in [3] and I already have all dependencies installed but before I try myself I wanted to ask You how to compile statically just the cmd client.

Any help would be greatly welcome.

Filip Dorosz

[1] https://github.com/fihufil/owncloud-file-sync/
[2] https://github.com/dubstar-04/owncloud-sync/
[3] https://github.com/owncloud/client/tree/master/src/cmd
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