Dear Conner, Thank you for reaching out. I am forwarding to the OSGeo community discuss list for feedback.
Thanks, Angelos On 9/9/24 19:18, Conner Shoop wrote:
Hello OSGeo and Ubuntugis team, We've developed a Github Codespaces feature built on top of the Ubuntugis team's work. The feature adds the cli tools proj, gdalinfo, gdalinfo, grass, pkinfo, and qgis to Codespaces development environments. This was all made possible with the UbuntuGIS PPA's ( We would love to contribute this to the OSGeo community, make it publicly available, and have it indexed as a Codespaces public feature. Please let us know where a good place to initialize this repository would be. We initially thought of the OSGeo github org, but if the Ubuntugis team has their own preferences we'd follow those. Thanks, Conner Shoop
-- Angelos Tzotsos, PhD President Open Source Geospatial Foundation _______________________________________________ osgeolive mailing list