For whom it may concern...
It is too late for the Newsletter to publish this announcement and I
think that there are people who might be interested in participating
The webinar is March, 20th.
best regards
Nikos L.
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Καθηγητής της Διδασκαλίας της
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--- Begin Message ---
Good morning, afternoon, and evening subscribers,
You are invited to the NASA Earthdata webinar, “Accessing Data for the World's
Water with SWOT" to be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 2 pm EDT (UTC-4).
*Please excuse any duplicates for those of you on the original invite list*
Webinar POC: Jennifer Brennan, Host, NASA ESDIS Communications Lead
To register:
Launched in December 2022, the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT)
mission provides an unprecedented look at Earth's water. A joint undertaking by
NASA and CNES (Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales) with contributions from CSA
(the Canadian Space Agency) and the United Kingdom Space Agency, SWOT
measurements for surface water extent and water body elevation for rivers,
lakes, and the ocean are now publicly available for scientific research and
This webinar will introduce SWOT and show data users how to discover, access,
and utilize SWOT data products via cloud computing and local download as well
as through data transformation tools like the High-level Tool for Interactive
Data Extraction (HiTIDE). The webinar will showcase SWOT data recipes and
tutorials from NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
(PO.DAAC) Cookbook to help you get started. Join us to learn how SWOT data
could augment your existing data workflows or lead to new, innovative science
and applications in the world of water.
For information:
Dr. Cassandra Nickles, Applied Science Systems Engineer, NASA PO.DAAC, JPL
Cassandra (“Cassie”) Nickles is an Applied Science Systems Engineer at NASA’s
Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). Her work
involves connecting NASA data to science and applications communities by
creating data recipes and tutorials (e.g. Jupyter Notebooks, etc) and curating
data learning resources. Cassie received her PhD in Civil Engineering from
Northeastern University in May 2021 having performed research surrounding
large-scale river networks and applications enabled by the Surface Water and
Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission. Her overarching passion is to serve society
through remote sensing and hydrologic applications, facilitating access to data
for a diverse set of research and applied data users.
Celia Ou, Data Publication and Applied Science Systems Engineer, NASA PO.DAAC
Celia Ou is a Data Publication Engineer and Applied Science Systems Engineer at
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). She holds an MS in Physical
Oceanography from University of California, San Diego. At PO.DAAC, Celia works
on dataset publication from various projects including Surface Water and Ocean
Topography (SWOT), as well as creating tutorials for the NASA data user
community. Her goals include connecting science data users to helpful
resources, reducing data wrangling, and improving the data user experience in
support of more accessible and open science.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions. Also, feel free
to share this invite with your colleagues.
Best Regards,
Jennifer Brennan, NASA Earthdata Webinar Host, ESDIS Communications Lead
Jennifer Brennan, NASA ESDIS Communications Lead
Contractor, ADNET Systems Inc.
Telephone: 301-352-4628
Fax: 301-352-0871
Connect with Us:
--- End Message ---
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