On 08.07.2022 14:58, Brian M Hamlin wrote:
On 7/8/22 04:05, edgar.sol...@web.de wrote:
i tried both. some desktop symbol texts become unreadable. should we add a 
gradient from the left that darkens it much more or ... ?


richtig ede -  here is the challenge. The width of the dark stripe on the left 
side of the desktop changes with the screen resolution. Therefore, at 800x600 
(docs screenshot) the dark area looks one way, then ordinary 1024x768 it is 
another way, the current desktop size here 1440x900 another way and of course, 
very large screens are different again.

just to be clear, there is no dynamic "dark stripe". it is a one size fits all 
background as your below comment suggests. richtig? :)
I can add the dark area with a filter. The FOSS4G contact Luca prefers this 
Boboli design.  There can only be one desktop design for FOSS4G release. How 
wide should the dark area be on the left of the desktop? ideas welcome

seeing that icons/text stretch up to the middle of the screen at 800x600 that 
should ideally be the margin to go for.

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