
I just published "Run CNTT Kubernetes Based Reference Conformance" as Katacoda 
scenario in the Xtesting series.
It allows everybody to deploy Kubernetes and then to run a subset of CNTT RC2 
from your browser in ~20 minutes.
It's worth mentioning that you can click on all instructions to paste them in 
the terminal (no excuse ;)).

It completes the first  scenario "Deploy your first Continuous Integration 
toolchain" based on all the Xtesting samples.

All your feedbacks are welcome!
I do add an overall Continuous Integration toolchain picture as proposed by my 
colleagues from Orange working in LFN.

Stay tune for the next scenarios about Gitlab CI/CD, Gitlab CI/CD in 
Kubernetes, Jenkins in Kubernetes, etc. !
(CNTT RC1 and CNTT RC2 works in all this scenarios by setting a few Boolean 
values in site.yml but I'm unclear yet if they would work in the limited 
resources offered by Katacoda)

More scenarios in README https://github.com/collivier/ansible-role-xtesting



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