OPNFV, The LFN Governing Board expressed strong support for the Merger of OPNFV and CNTT at their meeting on August 19th. This is good news for OPNFV; it is the option many of us preferred from the start of Future Mode of Operations (FMO) discussions. A special shout-out to Scot Steele, who led the CNTT FMO team for several months.
As the CNTT FMO committee concludes its work, there will be a new transition team formed to complete the merger. There is plenty of work to do. Folks who are interested should continue to attend the "last" CNTT FMO meeting in the Friday time slot to learn more. (I don't know more than this now, sorry for that.) The board has asked for a smooth transition as much as possible, and as short time frame as possible (re-use of the best rules, charter aspects, etc.). Meanwhile, our development efforts in all our projects continue, including the work toward the OPNFV JERMA Release. THANKS for your continued participation in OPNFV, and the new organization in 2021! Al TSC Chair
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