Hi, all. I now received 5 volunteer replies: Al Morton, Trevor Cooper, Scott 
Steinbrueck, Mike Fix, and Sunku Ranganath

I would suggest we arrange our first call on next Monday so that we can give 
updates to the TSC on Tuesday. 

I would propose the following slot,please see if these slot are ok for you, and 
reply to this email thread on which slot you would prefer.

Feb. 1st: UTC 13:00-14:00 (the one hour slot before OPNFV tech-discussion)

Feb. 2nd: UTC 0:00-1:00 (should be Monday evening for people located in NA.)

      UTC 1:00-2:00

in the meantime, please review the etherpad page before the first call so that 
we can have a sufficient discussion. I am planning to define and make a 
decision on the working item for this sub-committee on the first call. And 
begin digging into each one of that in the following calls. 

The call for volunteer is still open. Those who would like to join this effort, 
please reply with your prefered slot as well. 

Thank you!







----邮件原文----发件人:"MORTON, ALFRED C (AL)" <a...@research.att.com>收件人:"FIX, 
MICHAEL A" <mf4...@att.com>,Fu Qiao  <fuq...@chinamobile.com>,39TSC OPNFV39 
<opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org>抄 送: "39Cooper, Trevor39" 
<trevor.coo...@intel.com>,"STEINBRUECK, SCOTT A" 
<ss7...@att.com>发送时间:2020-01-30 05:36:28主题:RE: [opnfv-tsc] OPNFV 2.0 

Thank you for volunteering to organize/chair this sub-committee, Fu Qiao!


And thanks to others who have volunteered to join the sub-committee.

Please add me to your list.


FYI – when thinking about IRUYA Release messaging under development and its

community review, I think it would be fair to overhang our accomplishments

with a small measure of future direction.*


I added a few items to the comments under Release notes development,

and to the 2.0 Etherpad, where we can all edit...





* “We must become the change we want to see.”  Mahatma Gandhi



From: opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org [mailto:opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org] On Behalf Of 
FIX, MICHAEL A Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 7:25 AM To: Fu Qiao 
<fuq...@chinamobile.com> 39TSC OPNFV39 <opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org> 
39opnfv-tech-discuss39 <opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org> Cc: 39Cooper, 
Trevor39 <trevor.coo...@intel.com> STEINBRUECK, SCOTT A <ss7...@att.com> 
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tsc] OPNFV 2.0 sub-committee


***Security Advisory: This Message Originated Outside of AT&T *** Reference 
http://cso.att.com/EmailSecurity/IDSP.html for more information.

Please add me to the sub-committee.  Thank you.


From: opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org <opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org> On Behalf Of Fu 
Qiao Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 7:40 PM To: 39TSC OPNFV39 
<opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org> 39opnfv-tech-discuss39 
<opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org> Cc: 39Cooper, Trevor39 
<trevor.coo...@intel.com> STEINBRUECK, SCOTT A <ss7...@att.com> Subject: 
[opnfv-tsc] OPNFV 2.0 sub-committee


Hi, all. According to yesterday’s TSC call, we will set  up a sub-committee to 
drive the discussion and generate initial contents for OPNFV 2.0

For those who were not at Prague, we had a 2-hour session for OPNFV 2.0 then. 
And you can find details for that discussion here 

OPNFV is an action to re-focus OPNFV’s mission and roadmap,  to make it 
appealing to stockholders again, and ready to “catch the ball from CNTT”.  Copy 
from what was called out during the Prague session, ”  Here39s what we39re 
going to do to accelerate adoption and network transformation, and this is why 
you should care”

Therefore, I send this email to call for volunteers from the TSC to join the 
sub-committee, and trigger out the discussion asap.

Trevor has stood out as volunteers. I also received an email from Scott to join 
the sub-committee. 

TSC members who would like to join the sub-committee, please reply to this 
email before this Thursday. I am planning to have our first call on Friday, and 
give updates to the TSC on next Tuesday.

I also create an ether pad to capture the working items and draft. 
https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/OPNFV_2.0_Sub-committee. Please also provide your 
suggestions onto this page.

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