First, yes, a BIG thank you to Emma for all your work and dedication to the various OPNFV initiatives you have been involved in such as VSPERF, NSB, Testing Working Group, and many others that I am sure I have forgotten.
To Jack: also, a welcome back! Your calm demeanour and voice of reason is always appreciated. Regards, Mark Mark Beierl SW System Sr Principal Developer Dell EMC | Cloud & Communication Service Provider Solution<> From: <> on behalf of David McBride <> Date: Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 10:28 To: TSC OPNFV <>, TECH-DISCUSS OPNFV <> Cc: Bin Hu <>, James Baker <>, "Foley, Emma L" <>, Jack Morgan <> Subject: [opnfv-tech-discuss] Results of ad hoc TSC election #election [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Team, I'm pleased to report that Jack Morgan has been elected to the TSC to fill the seat being vacated by Emma Foley. Please join me in congratulating Jack and in thanking Emma for her service to the community. Let me know if you have any questions. David -- David McBride Release Manager, OPNFV Mobile: +1.805.276.8018<tel:%2B1.805.276.8018> Email/Google Talk:<> Skype: davidjmcbride1 IRC: dmcbride
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