+Trevor Bramwell <tbramw...@linuxfoundation.org> +Aric Gardner

Thanks for all your efforts, Julien.

Congratulations, Jack!  Please update the info.yaml file when you have a


On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 6:24 AM Julien <julien...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are 10 active committers in Pharos and 8 of them have cast
> their vote in Gerrit. There are 8 "+1" in Gerrit [1]. It has met the rule
> of "simple majority".
> Now Jack Morgan(jack.mor...@intel.com) has become the next Pharos PTL.
> Congratulations.
> [1] https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/67269/
> BR/Julien
> Julien via Lists.Opnfv.Org <julienjut=gmail....@lists.opnfv.org>于2019年3月17日周日
> 上午12:43写道:
>> Hi, Pharos committers,
>> I have submitted the patch for the new PTL. Please cast your vote in
>> review [1]  in a week.
>> [1]. https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/67269/
>> BR,
>> Julien
>> Julien via Lists.Opnfv.Org <julienjut=gmail....@lists.opnfv.org>于2019年3月14日周四
>> 下午11:45写道:
>>> Thanks for all,
>>> I have received Jack's nomination from Parker, and Jack accepted the
>>> nomination.
>>> I will initiate a vote on the Gerrit. But I can not access community
>>> Gerrit either https://gerrit.opnfv.org or ssh for now.
>>> I don't know there is anything wrong.
>>> BR,
>>> Julien
>> Jack Morgan <j...@jento.io>于2019年2月27日周三 下午11:43写道:
>>>> Thanks, Julien for all your work this past year. Thanks to Parker for
>>>> the nomination. I accept.
>>>> On 2/27/19 7:22 AM, Parker Berberian wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thank you Julien for your kind words and your work as PTL.
>>>> I nominate Jack as new PTL.
>>>> -Parker
>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 9:35 AM Julien <julien...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Pharos team,
>>>>> I'd like to step down Pharos PTL.
>>>>> I have worked for Pharos for several releases and served as the Pharos
>>>>> PTL in last year. My internal duty had some changes in the middle of last
>>>>> year, and I don't have enough time to still work as Pharos PTL. I don't
>>>>> have enough contributions recently either.
>>>>> Thanks to Parker, Trevor, Alex and Jack. LaaS can be released and
>>>>> served the community with your contribution. I'm regrated that I don't 
>>>>> have
>>>>> any contributions to LaaS. Infra is very important in both community and 
>>>>> my
>>>>> company. I would like to involve some activities in Pharos and give my
>>>>> contributions as possible.
>>>>> I hope the Pharos team will make more achievements in the future.
>>>>> With this email, I also call for nomination for the new PTL. If any
>>>>> committer would like to take the role, please announce your nomination by
>>>>> replying to this email.
>>>>> The new PTL nomination will be open for 2 weeks until 13 March. Then I
>>>>> will initiate a vote in the gerrit system.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Julien
>>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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>>>> --
>>>> Parker Berberian
>>>> UNH InterOperability Laboratory
>>>> 21 Madbury Rd, Suite 100, Durham, NH 03824
>>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=21+Madbury+Rd,+Suite+100,+Durham,+NH+03824&entry=gmail&source=g>
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>>>> www.iol.unh.edu
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>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>>> --
>>>> Jack Morgan
>>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>>> Links: You receive all messages sent to this group.
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>>> https://lists.opnfv.org/g/opnfv-tech-discuss/message/22919
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>>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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