Hi Francois,

Upgrading TRex to a newer version has been done about a month ago in a private 
workspace but not upstreamed yet as it was using a private Trex branch provided 
by the Trex team. It was not the latest as of today but definitely a version 
that had the reorg of the Trex libraries.
I don’t think there is anything else to do than what you have done already to 
make it work.
Feel free to submit a gerrit for the Trex upgrade if you can and I’ll get it 
tested on my side.



From: <opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org> on behalf of François-Régis MENGUY 
Date: Monday, February 25, 2019 at 9:07 AM
To: "Alec Hothan (ahothan)" <ahot...@cisco.com>
Cc: "opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org" <opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org>
Subject: [opnfv-tech-discuss] #nfvbench - Request TRex upgrade for using it 
with virtio multiple queues

Hello Alec,

In some contexts, particularly when Baremetal, SRIOV or PCI pass-through are 
not available on the infrastructure to be tested, it would be useful to be able 
to perform throughput measurements directly from a VM through its virtio-net 
vif , in the same way it is done by Yardstick.

However, when deploying NFVBench in a qemu VM with a multiple queues virtio 
vif, it is not possible to take advantage of TRex multiple cores capacity with 
the current v2.32 TRex version used my NFVBench.

Indeed, TRex v2.32 considers virtio-net as a single queue driver and replies 
“the number of cores should be 1 when the driver support only one tx queue and 
one rx queue. Please use -c 1”.

From the version v2.49, TRex is able to take advantage multiple queues virtio 
vif, and thus, it would be interesting to upgrade NFVBench with a more recent 
TRex version.

On my side I tried to upgrade locally to v2.53 but since v2.43 STL lib is 
merged with ASTF so it has an impact on the way NFVBench docker is deployed 
(path to lib is changed so copy to Pyton2.7 path needs to be changed and 
trex_stl_lib is also change to trex/stl).
I managed to have an NFVBench instance working with this latest version but I’m 
not sure all is OK, especially with ARP since STLServiceARP moved in a common 
package and was renamed ServiceARP.

On your side, do you think it will be a big impact to upgrade to the latest 
version of TRex ?

Is it possible to do it on your side or explain me how you would manage such 
upgrade ?

Best regards,

FR Menguy


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