Hi Sridhar

In the meeting today I mentioned that the IxNetwork license server (a Win 7 VM 
running on POD 0-admin) was not responsive. Tim rebooted the server and 
restarted the VM ... I can now RDP to the Win7 desktop. I started the daily 
Fraser job but it has failed and I don't have time rest of this week to 
investigate ... please look at the log file 


From: Rao, Sridhar <sridhar....@spirent.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 7:59 PM
To: opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org
Cc: 'ALFRED C 'MORTON (AL)'' <acmor...@att.com>; Cooper, Trevor 
<trevor.coo...@intel.com>; 'Mars Toktonaliev (Nokia - US/Irving)' 
<mars.toktonal...@nokia.com>; Ferriter, Cian <cian.ferri...@intel.com>; 
Christian Trautman (ctrau...@redhat.com) <ctrau...@redhat.com>; Bill 
Michalowski (bmich...@redhat.com) <bmich...@redhat.com>; Alec Hothan (ahothan) 
<ahot...@cisco.com>; eddie.arr...@huawei.com; Jose Angel Lausuch 
<jalaus...@suse.com>; Julien Meunier <julien.meun...@6wind.com>; 
thomas.fai...@6wind.com; martin.klo...@tieto.com; richard.el...@tieto.com
Subject: [vsperf] Agenda for VSPERF weekly meeting - 15 Aug 2018 (ww75)

This week's meeting will be driven by Al Morton.
Thanks Al. I will share details with you over mail.


  1.  Development Updates
  2.  Continuous Release
  3.  VSPERF-Interns Update.
  4.  VSPERF Results.
  5.  ...

Meeting minutes

  *   WW74: 
  *   WW73: 
  *   WW72: 

Time: Wednesday PDT 8h00 (GMT -7) UTC 15h00.

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