* - Should Barometer Graduate? (https://www.opnfv.org/software/technical-project-governance/project-lifecycle <https://www.opnfv.org/software/technical-project-governance/project-lifecycle>)- Are we a part of enough scenarios (another installer)?- Would be a good recognition of the work done by Barometer- Have had good recognition at shows (OpenStack Summit, OPNFV, etc)- Bryan would be supportive of applying for graduation- No definitive answer, but positive reception- Standards Update (Al)- Meeting with IFA working group completed work on all measurement content. Al provided an edit / rewrite of the document and resubmitted. - Discussion of GAPs in Baromter- https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/BAROMETER-89 <https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/BAROMETER-89>- VES Update- Bryan working on Barometer Kubernetes scenario. Should be ready soon. Barometer as DaemonSet- Conversion of VES to gRPC in the testing phase.- Development Update- Ansible scripts submitted to Gerrit- Clarification that plugins not in collectd yet should still make it into Barometer / Fraser- (MS5) Scenario integration and feature freeze -- 03/02/18- Good discussion on “What’s next for Barometer”- Scope expansion -- Should Barometer move beyond metrics / events to policy- Scope continuation into container space -- - OPNFV Barometer people going to ONS in March- Aaron- Al- Bryan- ??*
-- AARON SMITH SENIOR PRINCIPAL SOFTWARE ENGINEER, NFVPE Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com/> 314 Littleton Rd, Westford, MA 01886 aasm...@redhat.com M: 617.877.4814 <https://red.ht/sig>
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