2) MCP sets up all Openstack services to talk to each other over unencrypted 
connections on the internal management network (
This means all admin/internal endpoints use plain http, while the public 
endpoints are handled via nginx (*with* SSL termination) on the prx01/02 VCP 
If you plan to use the public endpoints, you will most likely have to add the 
certificate (mcp_os_cacert) on the machine that connects to those public 
For convenience, the deploy will copy that cert to the cfg01 node in 

Functest/yardstick, which use the public endpoints, copy this file via [1, 2] 
inside their respective containers as /etc/ssl/cert/mcp_os_cacert (to prevent 
name collisions).
I'll open a bug report for documenting this better in the Fuel docs.


[1] https://git.opnfv.org/releng/tree/utils/fetch_os_creds.sh#n119

From: opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org 
[mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] On Behalf Of SULLIVAN, 
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 4:35 PM
To: pramod.sud...@wipro.com; Tina Tsou; eric.dm...@wipro.com; UKASICK, AIMEE L 
(AIMEE L); Joe Kidder
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org'
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for 

A couple of notes:
1)      There should not be multiple endpoints with the same name defined in 
OpenStack. It's likely that one is a remainder from some earlier test. You may 
need to use "openstack endpoint delete ..." to remove one of the endpoints. 
Being related to keystone in this case, it's not something that was setup by 
this test script. It may also be some quirk in the way that MOS sets up the 
endpoints, that I have not encountered so far.
a.       Send me the result of "openstack endpoints list" and "openstack 
endpoint show <id of the duplicate endpoints>" for each endpoint. I will see if 
I can mod the script to handle it, if it's not some error in the Fuel setup.
2)      "OS_CACERT=/etc/ssl/certs/mcp_os_cacert" looks like some Fuel-specific 
cert file. I'm not sure what the effects related to that might be. You will 
probably need Fuel team support. It could indicate that for Fuel, there needs 
to be some additional file installed on the Tacker client... I have not 
encountered such an error on Apex or JOID.

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

From: pramod.sud...@wipro.com<mailto:pramod.sud...@wipro.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 9:05 PM
<bryan.sulli...@research.att.com<mailto:bryan.sulli...@research.att.com>>; Tina 
Tsou <tina.t...@arm.com<mailto:tina.t...@arm.com>>; 
eric.dm...@wipro.com<mailto:eric.dm...@wipro.com>; UKASICK, AIMEE L (AIMEE L) 
<aim...@research.att.com<mailto:aim...@research.att.com>>; Joe Kidder 
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org' 
Subject: RE: [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for Euphrates

Hi Bryan and Joe,

I could create an image for tacker on ARM Pod using tacker.sh. I had to change 
start.sh in /tmp/models/ to account for a change in "endpoint create" API 
syntax and also to  account for multiple endpoints with the same name in 
openstack. The Tacker container is now started but still encounters an error 
for "tacker vim-register" as below. I also encountered some auth failure for 
this command on last Friday (for auth_url:<https://url10.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1eZHUW-0006Da-4x&i=57e1b682&c=FrQGlyGCLErNYt-YGvuhNo3B-34XguJFYbIHPgKherWjMkttsp1OeSveN7P7O24AksTphKgvldDdT7BRivG9dp809FGExsaHQaAU7ZQUfh8w8X16F5NFopy6PJ7ZsFY2_xjeqVqF-OJIBopuP1V_gP6USPBMbVUkRXppjXm53rux4j8m0gmvy5t-H5vmQzkCQbuSXVyy6Q9bwJe-NGYjjfHpL-jpgzsq8H5ZpFqC64-lSp4gWyJb7XWsD8R9JaGApJp8-MUxSapMyJsZKSdfHOutQQL-_NCl-OZ-xblnhXpNaVbJiv2F3_nV4a1fHKTIf8DDyuSaXyA1HgmTrx6_ObnkZRS9Nw7mBEelzsdvLbUrcP28GEJPxb-NNGAnO2zFX5bMhiiII8MlnXlHatj2LwxM_Jm_3bVTV0aw1zvtQCdBx8Po0A92cSpCNKH2cJFBl44ujLFXCgCC6bPo4cLOHKv2rSR37bjDGhH_fSXZ7jJYKvLOf825ewL6xt2RAr63JHVmZ8JI8w9Y613-fVZwxw>
 and OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=Default). I was also wondering about the non-existent 
file for OS_CACERT=/etc/ssl/certs/mcp_os_cacert being used in env. Complete 
session logs are attached.

main:203 (Wed Jan 10 03:39:11 UTC 2018) Register default VIM
SSL exception connecting to<https://url10.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1eZHUW-0006Da-4x&i=57e1b682&c=yxbJB0Q17ePvaVgTFeucz7U-rVD8emTNdackG9_fLZsHMeKJ6H1rQPzRPEwLcJGebk3rk_lpT9dGyLOKQrKVlVRS99j7YpfGNYwSKKxj_ywvuV3d7c4uquJx9wJzKTp7tgTG_7qSUPaGiWsP3R4MycZbn3A_VFHIj4sHDFBpAyYNeOhpZj2K93uuiEaFBHr8e-gTW0YtokNht65gfnBuapXqdYrR9V3B64h8cBmQng5H3oPiGQk0idUKaKIKwc-sVzdPRS7H-cCRZhcCdSiV2vDKy_FYWz7G9HD7SPwpQuD_jS5vd8FBAK7o03puHJLNqeU-izjaOy-kTgc8ql1VDAbp_X38nm79BhDyEWgSSOkXtGHKBMdaLMSJachUgfGNRpuGwNtDMrtT7jrTHG3vPGJQe-U0ts5dGR00vjcB_MegtrPh0XQGQn6iX68ycLo5DrbrSeVUIRh5RwiOB3JO-JJ7-sIebjMthbDwGcGv1M83OFCXVDAfbliZs06IoVkff_hVNUwotiyh7ZaN8TLTjw>
 None: Max retries exceeded with url: /v2.0 (Caused by None)
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource     return 
method(*args, **kwargs)
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource   File 
 line 203, in register_vim
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource     ks_client = 
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource   File 
 line 120, in authenticate_vim
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource     keystone_version 
= self._validate_auth_url(auth_url)
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource   File 
 line 158, in _validate_auth_url
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource     raise 
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource 
VimConnectionException: SSL exception connecting to<https://url10.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1eZHUW-0006Da-4x&i=57e1b682&c=yxbJB0Q17ePvaVgTFeucz7U-rVD8emTNdackG9_fLZsHMeKJ6H1rQPzRPEwLcJGebk3rk_lpT9dGyLOKQrKVlVRS99j7YpfGNYwSKKxj_ywvuV3d7c4uquJx9wJzKTp7tgTG_7qSUPaGiWsP3R4MycZbn3A_VFHIj4sHDFBpAyYNeOhpZj2K93uuiEaFBHr8e-gTW0YtokNht65gfnBuapXqdYrR9V3B64h8cBmQng5H3oPiGQk0idUKaKIKwc-sVzdPRS7H-cCRZhcCdSiV2vDKy_FYWz7G9HD7SPwpQuD_jS5vd8FBAK7o03puHJLNqeU-izjaOy-kTgc8ql1VDAbp_X38nm79BhDyEWgSSOkXtGHKBMdaLMSJachUgfGNRpuGwNtDMrtT7jrTHG3vPGJQe-U0ts5dGR00vjcB_MegtrPh0XQGQn6iX68ycLo5DrbrSeVUIRh5RwiOB3JO-JJ7-sIebjMthbDwGcGv1M83OFCXVDAfbliZs06IoVkff_hVNUwotiyh7ZaN8TLTjw>
 None: Max retries exceeded with url: /v2.0 (Caused by None)
2018-01-10 03:39:38.028 1310 ERROR tacker.api.v1.resource
2018-01-10 03:39:38.036 INFO tacker.wsgi 
[req-69c4ec56-0faf-4de2-9f13-4d2c43176720 admin admin] - - 
[10/Jan/2018 03:39:38] "POST /v1.0/vims.json HTTP/1.1" 500 417 1.900016


From: SULLIVAN, BRYAN L (BRYAN L) [mailto:bryan.sulli...@research.att.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 5:50 PM
To: Pramod Sudrik (Product Engineering Service) 
<pramod.sud...@wipro.com<mailto:pramod.sud...@wipro.com>>; Tina Tsou 
<tina.t...@arm.com<mailto:tina.t...@arm.com>>; Eric DMaye (Product Engineering 
Service) <eric.dm...@wipro.com<mailto:eric.dm...@wipro.com>>; UKASICK, AIMEE L 
(AIMEE L) <aim...@research.att.com<mailto:aim...@research.att.com>>; Joe Kidder 
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org' 
Subject: RE: [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for Euphrates

** This mail has been sent from an external source **
Re ARM arch, good point. I don't have ARM hw and did not build this for ARM. 
You can try to build it using the script (tacker.sh) in the models build 
folder. If it works, you will need to push the container to docker hub and 
patch the vHello_Tacker.sh script to reference it, or figure out how to pull it 
as a local container image.

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

From: pramod.sud...@wipro.com<mailto:pramod.sud...@wipro.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 3:09 PM
<bryan.sulli...@research.att.com<mailto:bryan.sulli...@research.att.com>>; Tina 
Tsou <tina.t...@arm.com<mailto:tina.t...@arm.com>>; 
eric.dm...@wipro.com<mailto:eric.dm...@wipro.com>; UKASICK, AIMEE L (AIMEE L) 
<aim...@research.att.com<mailto:aim...@research.att.com>>; Joe Kidder 
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org' 
Subject: RE: [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for Euphrates

Hi Bryan,

I am copying Joe for getting info/process used by him to deploy OPNFV/Fuel in 
this ARM Pod.

The sudo docker logs -f tacker shows "standard_init_linux.go:178: exec user 
process caused "exec format error"". The "sudo docker image inspect 
blsaws/models-tacker" shows "Architecture": "amd64", so I was wondering whether 
we need specific docker image for ARM architecture.


From: SULLIVAN, BRYAN L (BRYAN L) [mailto:bryan.sulli...@research.att.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 4:25 PM
To: Pramod Sudrik (Product Engineering Service) 
<pramod.sud...@wipro.com<mailto:pramod.sud...@wipro.com>>; Tina Tsou 
<tina.t...@arm.com<mailto:tina.t...@arm.com>>; Eric DMaye (Product Engineering 
Service) <eric.dm...@wipro.com<mailto:eric.dm...@wipro.com>>; UKASICK, AIMEE L 
(AIMEE L) <aim...@research.att.com<mailto:aim...@research.att.com>>
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org' 
Subject: RE: [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for Euphrates

** This mail has been sent from an external source **
Two minor edits:

  1.  The link to start.sh (thanks, outook): 
  2.  start.sh already discovers the region name via the API so I'm not sure 
what's going on as reported in your log. See the line:

region=$(openstack endpoint list | awk "/ nova / { print \$4 }" | head -1)

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 2:13 PM
To: 'pramod.sud...@wipro.com' 
<pramod.sud...@wipro.com<mailto:pramod.sud...@wipro.com>>; Tina Tsou 
eric.dm...@wipro.com<mailto:eric.dm...@wipro.com>; UKASICK, AIMEE L (AIMEE L) 
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org' 
Subject: RE: [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for Euphrates

Can you send directly the info/process you used to deploy Fuel, in as much 
detail as possible? I will try to duplicate it in my lab so I have enough info 
to see what's going on. My tests so far were under Centos with Apex.

Some answers to your specific questions:
1)      If the tacker container exited, then there is an issue with the tacker 
setup and I would not expect the "tacker vnf-create" step to work.
2)      The nfv-orchestration endpoint is created in the process of start.sh in 
the container: see https://git.opnfv.org/models/tree/build/tacker/start.sh line 
3)       Note that you can dump the tacker container log with "sudo docker logs 
tacker" or follow it (tail) with "sudo docker logs -f tacker". Do that and you 
will likely see the issue that led to the endpoint not being created. If the 
container is running, you can use "sudo docker exec -it /bin/bash" to poke 
around in the container, e.g. to debug using the openstack CLI etc from within 
the container.
4)       I have no idea where "fatal: /home/ubuntu/auto/keystonercv3: 
'/home/ubuntu/auto/keystonercv3' is outside repository" comes from. This looks 
like something Fuel is complaining about.
5)       "internal endpoint for nfv-orchestration service in RegionOne region 
not found" is a bug, but one due to a persistent problem with OPNFV ... in that 
the different distros use inconsistent naming for key common attributes such as 
the region name. In Apex, this is "regionOne" and the case difference matters. 
But I will try to find a way for the test to be more intelligent, i.e. discover 
the actual value and use it. I've done this in the past, I just need to recall 
where and how.

For reference, For Apex the whole test process including the following is 
posted at 
-          Test setup
-          Tacker container logs
-          Test start
-          Output of CLI calls for openstack user, endpoint, and service
-          Test stop
-          Test clean
-          Output of CLI calls for openstack user, endpoint, and service 
(verifying cleanup)

Note you will still see some reports of "Neutron CLI is deprecated...." Since 
it's taking time to convert all the CLI calls to use the openstack client. But 
they work.

Bryan Sullivan | AT&T

From: pramod.sud...@wipro.com<mailto:pramod.sud...@wipro.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 12:43 PM
<bryan.sulli...@research.att.com<mailto:bryan.sulli...@research.att.com>>; Tina 
Tsou <tina.t...@arm.com<mailto:tina.t...@arm.com>>; 
eric.dm...@wipro.com<mailto:eric.dm...@wipro.com>; UKASICK, AIMEE L (AIMEE L) 
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org' 
Subject: RE: [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for Euphrates

Thanks Bryan for the changes.

I tried the latest Models Project in ARM Pod (with OPNFV) and found that the 
setup for vHello_Tacker.sh indicates that it succeeded, but the session logs 
(as attached) show some issues. I did not see the logic to create an endpoint 
nfv-orchestration anymore. The subsequent vHello_Tacker.sh start execution 
fails to find this endpoint during "tacker vnf-create" processing. Is this 
endpoint not needed anymore with this change ? The logs are given below.
The docker status also shows as exited.
(venv) ubuntu@localhost:/opt/tacker$ sudo docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  
CREATED             STATUS                         PORTS               NAMES
982486b7290c        blsaws/models-tacker:latest   "/bin/bash /opt/ta..."   
About an hour ago   Exited (1) About an hour ago                       tacker

~/auto/models/tests$ ./vHello_Tacker.sh setup /home/ubuntu/auto/keystonercv3
setup:165 (Tue Jan  9 18:28:11 UTC 2018) run tacker-setup.sh
create_container:99 (Tue Jan  9 18:28:23 UTC 2018) Start tacker container with 
image blsaws/models-tacker:latest
Missing parameter(s):
Set a username with --os-username, OS_USERNAME, or auth.username
Set an authentication URL, with --os-auth-url, OS_AUTH_URL or auth.auth_url
Set a scope, such as a project or domain, set a project scope with 
--os-project-name, OS_PROJECT_NAME or auth.project_name, set a domain scope 
with --os-domain-name, OS_DOMAIN_NAME or auth.domain_name
pass:40 (Tue Jan  9 18:28:26 UTC 2018) Hooray!
Create virtualenv
New python executable in /home/ubuntu/venv/bin/python
fatal: /home/ubuntu/auto/keystonercv3: '/home/ubuntu/auto/keystonercv3' is 
outside repository
setup:232 (Tue Jan  9 18:32:25 UTC 2018) Add router interface for vnf_private 
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI 
Added interface f2a6a8b3-bb70-4587-958b-3903629973b9 to router 
pass:100 (Tue Jan  9 18:32:38 UTC 2018) Hooray!
pass:103 (Tue Jan  9 18:32:38 UTC 2018) Test Duration = 267 seconds

ubuntu@localhost: ~/auto/models/testsubuntu@localhost:~/auto/models/tests$ 
source ~/venv/bin/activate
(venv) ]0;ubuntu@localhost: 
~/auto/models/testsubuntu@localhost:~/auto/models/tests$ bash vHello_Tacker.sh 
copy_blueprint:238 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:11 UTC 2018) copy test script to 
copy_blueprint:241 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:11 UTC 2018) reset blueprints folder
copy_blueprint:247 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:11 UTC 2018) copy 
tosca-vnfd-hello-world-tacker to blueprints folder
start:255 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:11 UTC 2018) setup OpenStack CLI environment
start:258 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:11 UTC 2018) Create Nova key pair
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /opt/tacker/vHello.
Your public key has been saved in /opt/tacker/vHello.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:Dsb4XhltfFrri54PGHy94bCmuyPd9v+iiiP7dw6sBPM ubuntu@vHello
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|                 |
|                 |
|                 |
|     o . o .     |
|    . * S * =    |
|     o * O B +   |
|      ..E.B +    |
|     .oo+=+*. .  |
|      o=BO=*B+.o.|
Key pair 'vHello' already exists. (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: 
vHello_Tacker.sh test assertion passed: models-nova-001 (Keypair creation)
start:265 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:16 UTC 2018) Inject public key into blueprint
start:269 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:16 UTC 2018) Get external network for Floating IP 
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI 
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI 
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI 
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI 
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI 
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI 
start:272 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:40 UTC 2018) create VNFD
internal endpoint for nfv-orchestration service in RegionOne region not found
vHello_Tacker.sh test assertion failed: models-tacker-002 (VNFD creation)
fail:108 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:43 UTC 2018) Test Failed!
fail:112 (Tue Jan  9 18:43:43 UTC 2018) Test Duration = 0 seconds
(venv) ]0;ubuntu@localhost: 


From: SULLIVAN, BRYAN L (BRYAN L) [mailto:bryan.sulli...@research.att.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 11:50 AM
To: Pramod Sudrik (Product Engineering Service) 
<pramod.sud...@wipro.com<mailto:pramod.sud...@wipro.com>>; Tina Tsou 
<tina.t...@arm.com<mailto:tina.t...@arm.com>>; Eric DMaye (Product Engineering 
Service) <eric.dm...@wipro.com<mailto:eric.dm...@wipro.com>>; UKASICK, AIMEE L 
(AIMEE L) <aim...@research.att.com<mailto:aim...@research.att.com>>
Cc: 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org' 
Subject: [Models][Auto] vHello_Tacker updated for Euphrates

** This mail has been sent from an external source **
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