This is louie from BII-CFIEC,CFIEC is a third party neutral SDN/NFV technology
evaluation and innovation center. Recently I have participate in OPNFV CVP test,
as we know CVP certification use dovatil program and dovetail integrate other
OPNFV test programs like yardstick,functest, etc.
When we do CVP test for our custom we meet a problem in HA test, the current
CVP test tool doesn't support k8s, but our custom use k8s to realize HA.
Yardstick use ssh to login the controller node and kill such as nova-api
progress to test HA, but due to the k8s feature the nova service exist in one
behind the k8s , and yardstick tes tool cann't login the container directly,
this lead to the HA testcase failed.
I have feedback this problem to dovetail and CVP,according to the HA testcase
I put forward one method to solve this problem,use kill container to instead of
kill nova-api progress,as for haproxy, due to the k8s use nginx to realize LB
we can use kill nginx to instead. Meanwhile, I ask dovetail whether they can
a patch in dovetail to match k8s HA test, the reply me this patch is all for
yardstick and may do many changes, so they suggest me go to yardstick progrom
seek for
help. I know yardstick maybe support k8s in F version,but it seems to long for
my current condition.
By the way, in my test SUT every controller nodes have a container run
opensatck service, such as nova-api, glance-api. We can access one controller
node to kill
the container by specify name id or use k8s command to kill the container, When
kill the container k8s will auto recovey the container on this node, and the
recovery time is decided by k8s configuration.
This email first I want to know whether this kill container methond feasible;
second,whether yardstick could offer such a patch for k8s HA test.
龙雨 Louie Long
邮箱:yl...@biigroup.cn E-mail: yl...@biigroup.cn
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天地互连信息技术有限公司 下一代互联网国家工程中心
Website: www.biigroup.com www.cfiec.net
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