Hi Container4NFVer:

       I am glad we have released E release, Thanks for you hard work,
especially Ruijing and JackChan. In addition, thanks amar’s contribution
for NGVS.

       In the F release, I need to know how you can take participate in
container4nfv if you didn’t attend the weekly meeting. Please reply this
email. Tell me your thought. 

       The initial F plan is https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/container4nfv :


VPP-DPDK+CI(Vagrant Installer)(ARM)

Joid-ovs-dpdk (Intel)

OCI gap (China Mobile)

Finaize the and actualize the architecture ananlzis (Nokia)

Tacker support  (China Mobile)

Containerized VNF (China Mobile)

Yardstick (JackChen)


       BTW, as the principle of
https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Committer+Removal , if there’s no record
in https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/q/project:container4nfv  or the related
container things on yardstick or functest in the last 6 month.. I am sorry
we may start to remove the inactive committer.



Xuan Jia

Project Manager

Big Data & IT Technology Research Center China Mobile Research Institute

32 Xuanwumen West Street, Xicheng Distirct, Beijing 100032, China

Mobile: (+86) 13811000575

E-mail:  <mailto:jiax...@chinamobile.com> jiax...@chinamobile.com


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