The OPNFV Board of Directors had a meeting on September 14. Here is a quick 
summary of the main topics discussed in the meeting.

*             Board resolutions: There was a consensus to postpone annual 
elections of Directors and to shift annual renewal cycles for Platinum members.
*             End User Advisory Group (EUAG) update: There was a report out on 
"pain-points" discussions and a summary from the second EUAG survey was 
*             Community/developer engagement: Along with project updates, there 
was a discussion on the decline of developer activities (e.g. in git & mailing 
lists) in Q2'2017.
*             CVP update: A summary of progress since the OPNFV Summit was 
presented and plans for launch including the beta phase scheduled to start in 
late September.
*             Lab-aaS update: More detailed hardware requirements were 
presented to the Board along with the current status on requests for quotes for 
hardware, hosting, and Metal-as-a-Service.
*             Networking projects harmonization discussion: There was a review 
of open items (e.g. charter documents), options for transitioning to an 
"umbrella" organization, and potential dissolution activities.


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