I would like to nominate Prakash Ramchandran (irc: rprakash) from Huawei, for 
the Committer-at-Large TSC election.

Name of the Nominee:  Prakash Ramchandran
Organization:                   Huawei
A brief description of nominee's qualifications:

Prakash is very well known in OPNFV for with extensive work at MANO WG, 
leadership and collaborative work style.
He worked closely with other OPNFV projects and motivated new developers and 
helped them succeed in their
respective projects/goals. Prakash actively participates and organizes MANO WG 
weekly meetings and his participation
in other projects include but not limited to Auto, Models, Functests and more. 
His in-depth technical knowledge has
helped the community to succeed in every release. Prakash’s technical expertise 
and experience in NFV, collaboration
efforts within the community, knowledge on OPNFV projects, community support 
and leadership will add great value to TSC.
Best Regards,
Trinath Somanchi | NXP | HSDC, INDIA

From: opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org 
[mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] On Behalf Of Raymond Paik
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 11:02 AM
To: opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org; opnfv-...@lists.opnfv.org
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [announce] Opening nominations for 
Committers-at-Large TSC & Committer Board elections


I don't believe I saw any nomination for either Committers-at-Large TSC or 
Committer Board elections  Yesterday was a holiday in the US, but this is still 
somewhat surprising...

Could someone to get things started please?  :-)



On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 9:31 PM, Raymond Paik 
<rp...@linuxfoundation.org<mailto:rp...@linuxfoundation.org>> wrote:
Re-sending with the eligible committers link (the first link below) fixed...



On Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 10:42 AM, Raymond Paik 
<rp...@linuxfoundation.org<mailto:rp...@linuxfoundation.org>> wrote:

I'm kicking off the nomination process for Committers-at-Large TSC (electing 5 
members) plus the Committer Board (electing 1) elections.

The list of eligible committers who can run for & vote in both elections are 
here<https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Eligible+Committers+for+Elections>, and 
I want to encourage all eligible committers to nominate community members who 
can represent the OPNFV technical community in both the TSC and the Board.  
Self nominations are also welcome.   As I mentioned earlier in the week, I hope 
to see a diverse group of community members represented--in terms of geography, 
gender, projects,  service providers/vendors, etc.--in the nominations.

Nominations should be posted to opnfv-tech-discuss & opnfv-tsc mailing lists by 
5pm Pacific Time on September 8th (Friday).  You are welcome to reply to this 
email or if you're sending out a separate note, please include phrases like 
"Committer Board nomination" or "Committer-at-Large TSC nomination" in email 
subjects.  In nomination statements, please list the following information:

  *   Which election (TSC vs. Board) the nomination is for
  *   Name of the nominee
  *   Organization
  *   A brief description of nominee's qualifications
As nominations are accepted, I will add them to this 
page<https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/DEV/Nominees+for+2017+Elections>.  There 
will be separate Condorcet ballot for these two elections, and they will be 
sent out by September 11th.



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