Hello, Alec.

I think the decision from the Infra WG was to stick with jobs run under the 
control of OPNFV Jenkins and not to use Docker Hub for anything at this time.  
I have not seen any meeting notes or updates after the Monday meeting (which I 
was only able to attend via IRC).

Hopefully there will be some clarifications on what approach is being taken, 
and how to use it.

As for the versioning, I think we should start a new wiki page on that to keep 
it clean.


Mark Beierl
SW System Sr Principal Engineer
Dell EMC | Office of the CTO
mobile +1 613 314 8106<tel:1-613-314-8106>

On Jul 25, 2017, at 21:33, Alec Hothan (ahothan) 
<ahot...@cisco.com<mailto:ahot...@cisco.com>> wrote:

Hi Mark,

I started to add few notes and will keep adding as I get more time. The title 
could perhaps be changed to something more general than multi docker images per 
I’m not sure where to put notes related to versioning – which I think should 
predate any tooling/workflow/solution discussion. We can use that same wiki 
page or use a different one.



From: "Beierl, Mark" <mark.bei...@dell.com<mailto:mark.bei...@dell.com>>
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 9:19 AM
To: "Alec Hothan (ahothan)" <ahot...@cisco.com<mailto:ahot...@cisco.com>>
Cc: Fatih Degirmenci <fde...@gmail.com<mailto:fde...@gmail.com>>, Jose Lausuch 
 test-wg <test...@lists.opnfv.org<mailto:test...@lists.opnfv.org>>
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] OPNFV Docker builds on Dockerhub account


The decision in the Test WG meeting today was to write up our different 
proposals with pros/cons and take it to the Infra WG for the decision to be 
made there.  I have started a wiki page [1] for review and for everyone to add 
their ideas and comments.  Please edit or mark up the page with your feedback.

[1] https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/INF/Multiple+Docker+Images+Per+Project


Mark Beierl
SW System Sr Principal Engineer
Dell EMC | Office of the CTO
mobile +1 613 314 8106<tel:1-613-314-8106>

On Jul 20, 2017, at 11:09, Alec Hothan (ahothan) 
<ahot...@cisco.com<mailto:ahot...@cisco.com>> wrote:

I second the concerns of Fatih with risk of having to manage 2 paths for 
building containers if the dockerhup automated build cannot fully satisfy our 
Before we make a decision I’d like to suggest that we first iron out our 
requirements, then it will be easier to make a decision.

 on behalf of Fatih Degirmenci <fde...@gmail.com<mailto:fde...@gmail.com>>
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 7:11 AM
To: Jose Lausuch <jose.laus...@ericsson.com<mailto:jose.laus...@ericsson.com>>, 
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] OPNFV Docker builds on Dockerhub account


It looks nice!

Here are some comments.

The most important comment I have is the ability to run docker builds for 
patches as part of verify jobs and post feedback to OPNFV Gerrit. If we go this 
path, we will have pre-merge builds done on our machines and post-merge builds 
done on docker hub, which will result in at least same amount of maintenance 
effort if not more. Also things might result differently due to having 2 
different environments where the builds are done.

you’re touching a very important point which is how do teams verify that their 
commit “works”.
Work could mean “my container builds properly” or could mean “it builds and it 
runs properly”.
Obviously the latter is better but generally requires heavier logistics (such 
as having a reference openstack pod used for validating containers). I have no 
idea if OPNFV has that luxury – you tell me as I’m interested as well ;-)

In any case we see that there are 2 types of container images:

  *   Those that are used to validate commits only (possibly not as stable as 
needed for external consumption)
  *   Those that are to be used by external users (presumably in a much more 
stable state)

In the first case, you’re not as committed to keep all built images (it would 
take way too much space) – in general you just want to keep the last build(s).
In the second case you’re pretty much forced to strictly version all images and 
you need to trace each image version to the exact repo commit. In terms of 
storage you need to store the last stable images. You don’t need to store all 
images because you can rebuild them on demand (this is also a benefit of strict 

The other comments are the synching, the no of concurrent builds, and the 

The synching will definitely slow things down as we need to wait for it to be 
done. This might be annoying when a crucial bugfix needs to be merged/built. 
The other possibility is if/when we have issues with synching which might 
further delay builds.

can you describe how is the sync (opnfv to github) done today?
Method, trigger, frequency?

The no of concurrent builds will cause limitations time to time and some builds 
will have to wait in the dockerhub queue.

And finally there will be 2 places to look at for the builds/logs for different 
things; OPNFV jenkins and docker hub.

Also, the synching and concurrent build limit will contribute to the increase 
in time to get feedback as well. Time to get feedback will increase to time to 
synch + possible queueing from direct/post-merge triggered builds on our 

Ps. I will be one of the happy persons if we move to docker hub so I can get 
rid of maintaining build servers. But I also need to highlight some of the 
limitations if we do this.

we will need to get a better idea of the SLA of the dockerhub automated build. 
Since it is free service I guess it is not guaranteed… Can OPFV live with that 
(in case of service failure what si plan B)?

--   Alec


On 19 Jul 2017, at 15:30, Jose Lausuch 
<jose.laus...@ericsson.com<mailto:jose.laus...@ericsson.com>> wrote:

Following up on the discussion about how to build our Docker images, I started 
a trial with Trevor Bramwell with automated builds on Dockerhub for some of the 
new Functest Docker images:

It triggers a build after the corresponding repository in Github (mirror) has 
new code. Basically, whenever a new patch is merged on OPNFV gerrit and synched 
with Github.

There is currently a small limitation in the OPNFV Dockerhub account: it can 
build only 1 image at a time, but we can change that up to 5 or more parallel 
builds by requesting an account upgrade to LF. You can see the pricing plan 

We could use this to avoid load on our build servers, use them for something 
else and of course stop maintaining docker builds in OPNFV.
I would like to know your opinion on that.


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