
Nice to work with you in Multi-site and OPNFV from 2015, there are still lots 
of interesting staff to do in multi-site area, just as what we discussed in the 
thread "multi-site next 

Unfortunately, I am not able to continue multi-site PTL role, due to my time is 
occupied mostly by non-open source activities. I would like to say thanks to 
all of you, and step down from multi-site PTL.

Just as what we discussed in the thread "multi-site next step?", the inital 
goal of multi-site project is to identify and fill the gaps in OpenStack to 
fullfill multi-site requirements, most of them have been covered by respective 
projects, especially we have solution to support mission critical application 
high availability in multi-site (across multiple OpenStack cloud) through the 
help of Tricircle project, though the integration in OPNFV can be done by 
succedded contributions.

PTL candidates are welcome to continue the project, if there is no PTL 
candidate stepping up in two weeks, it's fine to ask for the termination of 
multi-site project, becasue the project has reached its initial goal.

New project or installer projects can do the integration and test for various 
multi-site requirements, I'll try my best to review multi-site relative patches 
if needed, especially if you need help for Tricircle integration, or you can 
ask for help from Tricircle team in OpenStack community.

Best Regards
Chaoyi Huang (joehuang)
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