Hi, Mark

Following up the project breakout session[1] on summit, we have kicked off
the integration of storperf testing for storage QPI.

The first question we have is the minimum requirements for running storperf
for *development* purpose. From my understanding, it seems to be a regular
openstack cloud will be enough, plus the following resources

   - Ubuntu 16.04 image in Glance
   - StorPerf flavor in Nova (2 CPU, 8GB RAM 4 GB disk)

Other configuration seems not relevant to testing itself, e.g.

   - The storage backend is not visible to `fio` since it tests against
   `/dev/vdb` by default, is that so?
   - generate-environment.sh seems to collect installer, network and cinder
   configuration but it seems not used by testing. Is it just for reporting?

[1]: https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/qtip-storperf

Yujun Zhang
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