Hi all,
Please in case we run into last minute Goto Meeting issue please try  connect 
to #opnfv-mano irc to get the alternate link used for call.
We used link   https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/391235029 instead of link  
Hope this will be fixed soon for other OPNFV meetings.

Summary of Meeting #27 discussions and  actions planned:

1.  Based on earlier E-Release plans :
a. Focus will continue to be on  VNF On-boarding and Deployment focus in OPNFV. 
(Bryan, David, Prakash)
 b. ONAP will need some time to setup and install  as part of rationalization 
 c. Opera will need realignment based on the inputs from upstream ONAP 
(wiki.onap.org) for  integration efforts. - Action for Opera team to  
consolidate OPNFV  CI build and deploy aspect changes to include ONAP as NFVO.
d. Orchestra team will also use  inputs from FUCTEST VNF vIMS  On-boarding from 
 D release to see how it can expose the same to OPNFV CI Build and deploy 
aspect on the CI Dashboard.
e.  Although current ONAP is setup for  Heat  Templates and Mitaka OpenStack 
that will require change to TOSCA and Newton or later Openstack   versions as 
rationalization continues to evolve. Thus there will be more MANO build and 
test focus in Release -E.

2. ONAP Installation review (Aimee)
resource sizing:
Refer the wiki link  for vanila ONAP install - 
for current Rackspace configuration refer    : 
This will take few weeks to verify and test and expect some Demo at OPNFV 
Summit in China June 11-15.

Next Meeting#28 on  4/26/2017

1. Agenda Bashing
2. Inputs from  Models/Domino meeting the details on SBC using  3-node Tacker 
Hello template (Models Team/Prakash)
3. Prepare inputs  for test qualifications for selected use case  from Models. 
(Model team/Prakash)
4. Considerations in OPNFV for  ONAP API (WSO2)
5. Follow up on Action Items for Opera and Orchestra (Yingjun Li / Giuseppe 

If you have any other inputs please provide by reply to  be included in next 
Meeting#28 on  4/26/2017 while I update the wiki page.


Prakash Ramchandran
[logo_huawei] R&D USA
FutureWei Technologies, Inc
Email: prakash.ramchand...@huawei.com<mailto:s.c...@huawei.com>
Work:  +1 (408) 330-5489
Mobile: +1 (408) 406-5810
2330 Central Expy, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA

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