Thanks for your suggestion.

There are two accounts for the gotomeeting. That means it can support two 
meeting simultaneously .
For 7am. ARM are using the 
tech-proje...@opnfv.org<mailto:tech-proje...@opnfv.org>, dovetail are using the 
tech-projec...@opnfv.org<mailto:tech-projec...@opnfv.org>. there are two 
different account users.

To Bin: how about your IPv6? If IPv6 are using 
tech-proje...@opnfv.org<mailto:tech-proje...@opnfv.org>, it will be ok for the 
dovetail. There is no conflict between dovetail and IPV6.

Is that ok?

Best regards


发件人: opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org 
[mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] 代表 HU, BIN
发送时间: 2017年3月16日 8:50
收件人: Wenjing Chu; Christopher Price; Jose Lausuch; Gaoliang (kubi); 
morgan.richo...@orange.com; Tomofumi Hayashi; Ulrich Kleber; SULLIVAN, BRYAN L; 
Dave Neary; Lijun (Matthew); 'TECH-DISCUSS OPNFV'
主题: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [dovetail] Dovetail weekly meeting agenda

I suggest that you keep the 6am PDT, which is now UTC 13:00 / 21:00 in China.

Otherwise, you will conflict with ARM Band (7am PDT) or IPv6 (8am PDT) no 
matter you use *odd* hour bridge or *even* hour bridge.


 [mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] On Behalf Of Wenjing Chu
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 5:33 PM
To: Christopher Price 
<christopher.pr...@ericsson.com<mailto:christopher.pr...@ericsson.com>>; Jose 
Lausuch <jose.laus...@ericsson.com<mailto:jose.laus...@ericsson.com>>; Gaoliang 
(kubi) <jean.gaoli...@huawei.com<mailto:jean.gaoli...@huawei.com>>; 
morgan.richo...@orange.com<mailto:morgan.richo...@orange.com>; Tomofumi Hayashi 
<tohay...@redhat.com<mailto:tohay...@redhat.com>>; Ulrich Kleber 
<ulrich.kle...@huawei.com<mailto:ulrich.kle...@huawei.com>>; SULLIVAN, BRYAN L 
<bs3...@att.com<mailto:bs3...@att.com>>; Dave Neary 
<dne...@redhat.com<mailto:dne...@redhat.com>>; Lijun (Matthew) 
<matthew.li...@huawei.com<mailto:matthew.li...@huawei.com>>; 'TECH-DISCUSS 
Subject: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [dovetail] Dovetail weekly meeting agenda

Here is a list of topics I propose we try to cover this Friday:

1)      Test case requirement update (Dave Neary) – 20 min

2)      Danube plan review – agreement on TSC report on 3/21 (Wenjing) – 20 min

3)      Functest/yardstick/testWG dependencies update: result DB, refstack, 
interface, http/https – (Mathew/Jose/Chris P…) – 15 min

4)      Dovetail test/qa/CI requirements (Uli/Leo) – 15 min

5)      How to get started on test area/test case review (Bryan/Wenjing) – 15 

6)      AOB – 5 min

This is based on a 1.5 hour long meeting as we discussed last week. If you are 
to lead a topic, please come prepared so we can make max use of the meeting 
time. Thanks.

I also saw Hongbo’s meeting invite that reverts back to our original 7AM PDT 
spot (while rest of the world stays the same hour). I’m not sure if that slot 
is free from GTM bridge conflict for 7:00 – 8:30 period, or if something needs 
to be changed. Hongbo, can you help sort the bridge problem out? I’m unable to 
login to verify one way or the other. It says I have no permission.

Also, Does anyone in US have problem with the new time?


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