> Former committers removed for reasons other than being disruptive may be
listed as ‘*Emeritus Committers*’.  That title expresses gratitude for
their service, but conveys none of the privileges of being a Committer.
I like this title *Emeritus Committers.*

On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 6:11 AM Raymond Paik <rp...@linuxfoundation.org>

> All,
> Following up on an earlier discussion on the TSC call.  First, changes to
> the TSC Charter do require a Board approval.  We did this about two years
> ago for a minor wording change.  Once the TSC agrees on the new text, the
> TSC Chair can present to the Board for a vote.
> Secondly, I looked at TSC charters of several LF projects on committer
> removal and I think I found a good example from fd.io (
> https://fd.io/governance/technical-community-charter#3_2_2_2) which is
> pretty much in line with what we discussed during the call.  Basically, a
> PTL can remove  disruptive/inactive committers, but the PTL needs to notify
> the TSC.
> I created a wiki page with a proposed text for the OPNFV TSC charter
> update at https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SKETCH/TSC+Charter+discussion
> Please let me know if you have any suggestions/question on the proposed
> text by either replying to this email or commenting on the wiki page
> Finally, to close on the discussion on inactive committers report that
> Aric generated.  I'll be forwarding the list of inactive committers to PTLs
> and I'll leave it up to the PTLs to have conversations with inactive
> committers.  Going forward, the inactive committers list will be generated
> every ~6 months.
> Thanks,
> Ray
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