I experienced the same thing: cannot dial in.


Helen Chen

From: Yang Xu (Yang, Fixed Network)
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 8:11 AM
To: RICHOMME Morgan IMT/OLN; zhao.huab...@zte.com.cn; 
meng.zhaoxi...@zte.com.cn; by...@etri.re.kr; navid.nika...@eurecom.fr; 
wlu...@bupt.edu.cn; cs15mtech01...@iith.ac.in; cs15mtech01...@iith.ac.in; 
opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org; Prakash Ramchandran; 
giuseppe.care...@fokus.fraunhofer.de; narinder.gu...@canonical.com; 
bouch...@live.fr; Olga Havel; dmcbr...@linuxfoundation.org; bs3...@att.com; 
jose.laus...@ericsson.com; michael.pa...@tu-berlin.de; 
lorenzo.tomas...@fokus.fraunhofer.de; Yunxia Chen; huang.leib...@zte.com.cn; 
Thajudheen Rajak
Subject: RE: [OPNFV] VNF on boarding: Q&A Functest versus orchestrator projects

Hi Morgan,

I dialed US number United States   +1 929-322-2258 with 437219548#, but was 
kicked out every time. What's the reason?


-Yang Xu

-----Original Appointment-----
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 11:08 AM
Prakash Ramchandran; 
bouch...@live.fr<mailto:bouch...@live.fr>; Olga Havel; 
 Yunxia Chen; huang.leib...@zte.com.cn<mailto:huang.leib...@zte.com.cn>; 
Thajudheen Rajak; Yang Xu (Yang, Fixed Network)
Subject: [OPNFV] VNF on boarding: Q&A Functest versus orchestrator projects
When: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time 
(US & Canada).
Where: Conf Bridge (see details in the mails)

Sorry bad bridge (booked for yesterday)
I created a new one...


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May we wish you a good meeting.


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