Hello Fu Qiao,

On today’s TSC call, a new project proposal called Rescuer was presented by Hui 
Wang. See

Rescuer is intended to provide data protection for a VIM. Since it is starting 
as a requirements and gap analysis project, and since HA has covered a similar 
area in the same way, the suggestion of the TSC was to initially incorporate 
the effort into HA for the initial delivery in the D timeframe. During that 
time, the HA team can provide guidance and a source of community feedback. 
After the D release, we can re-assess whether it makes sense to keep Rescuer in 
HA, or if it makes sense to ask the TSC to start a new project. It is also 
hoped that the Rescuer team can draw additional committers to their effort.

Could you please schedule the first HA meeting of 2017 with Rescuer as an 
agenda item? Please invite Hui and Yuval to the meeting.

Hui: could you please distribute the slides used at the TSC meeting? I could 
not find them on the wiki, although the wiki does capture most of it.


Edgar StPierre
Sr Consulting Technologist
Dell EMC | Office of the CTO
Mobile: 508-951-5630
Email: edgar.stpie...@dell.com<mailto:edgar.stpie...@emc.com>
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