Hi Lance,
Can you please try:
sudo yum groupinstall "Virtualization Host"
sudo systemctl enable libvirtd
sudo opnfv-clean


Tim Rozet
Red Hat SDN Team

----- Original Message -----
From: "lance pham" <lance.p...@orange.com>
To: "Patrick Lemay" <patrick.le...@bell.ca>, "Tim Rozet" <tro...@redhat.com>, 
Cc: "Brian Smith (3010640)" <b.sm...@bell.ca>, "Jocelyn Poulin (6007251)" 
<jocelyn.pou...@bell.ca>, "Francois Guay (A214312)" <francois.g...@bell.ca>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 9:19:17 AM
Subject: RE: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Apex] deployment error

Hi Patrick, Tim,

I did the same thing as Patrick (per Tim's note) on br-admin and br-public.  My 
IPMI works fine for 3 Controller Nodes, 1 Compute Node.  My Undercloud is 
established, but now I’m running into libvirt issue.  I used the Colorado ISO 


Lance Pham
Orange Silicon Valley - SDG/OSV
Strategy and Development Group
tel. (415) 243-1560
mob. (408) 489-1562

-----Original Message-----
From: opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org 
[mailto:opnfv-tech-discuss-boun...@lists.opnfv.org] On Behalf Of Lemay, Patrick
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 8:58 AM
To: Tim Rozet; opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org
Cc: Smith, Brian (3010640); Poulin, Jocelyn (6007251); Guay, Francois (A214312)
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Apex] deployment error

Hi Tim, adding configuration on enp1s0f0 and f1 worked well it use this config 
to create br-admin and br-public. Thanks for that workaround. Now, undercloud 
deploy successfully. IPMI with sol work fine also. I'm able to poweroff and 
poweron servers with ironic. The only thing, the deployment script failed . 
It's probably related to the network between the node and the undercloud that 
is not well configure. We are supposed to create a bond interface on 10g but 
this part has not been configure because there is no example.  How can I 
confirm that? Is there a journal with more details? Also, my ctlplane interface 
is well configure but unreachable from the undercloud when source by stackrc.

[root@undercloud ~]# ironic node-list


| UUID                                 | Name | Instance UUID                   
     | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |


| 9f069885-b9cb-4dec-85ab-945fb08a8753 | None | 
b1efb2e1-6e78-4fc0-9d5a-5b323088bebb | power on    | active             | False 

| f273975c-06ba-4c36-b7e6-25872d7efce0 | None | 
a4c77e61-6d18-4e1d-94ca-cd007282856a | power on    | active             | False 


[root@undercloud ~]# nova list


| ID                                   | Name                    | Status | 
Task State | Power State | Networks             |


| b1efb2e1-6e78-4fc0-9d5a-5b323088bebb | overcloud-controller-0  | ACTIVE | -   
       | Running     | ctlplane= |

| a4c77e61-6d18-4e1d-94ca-cd007282856a | overcloud-novacompute-0 | ACTIVE | -   
       | Running     | ctlplane= |


When I try to source overcloudrc the file is not present but stackrc is present.

[stack@undercloud ~]$ source overcloudrc

-bash: overcloudrc: No such file or directory

[stack@undercloud ~]$ source stackrc

openstack server list

[stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack server list


| ID                                   | Name                    | Status | 
Networks             |


| b1efb2e1-6e78-4fc0-9d5a-5b323088bebb | overcloud-controller-0  |
| ACTIVE | ctlplane= |

| a4c77e61-6d18-4e1d-94ca-cd007282856a | overcloud-novacompute-0 |
| ACTIVE | ctlplane= |


[stack@undercloud ~]$ ssh heat-admin@<mailto:heat-admin@>

ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host

[stack@undercloud ~]$ ssh heat-admin@<mailto:heat-admin@>

ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host

[stack@undercloud ~]$ ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.


--- ping statistics ---

2 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1000ms

Ping the undercloud works:

[stack@undercloud ~]$ ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.055 ms

64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.049 ms

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Rozet [mailto:tro...@redhat.com]
Sent: November-09-16 11:14 AM
To: Guay, Francois (A214312)
Cc: Jamo Luhrsen; Lemay, Patrick; 
Poulin, Jocelyn (6007251)
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Apex] deployment error

Hi Patrick,
For the Undercloud VM to bridge to your host, it needs to be able to get the IP 
information off of the host interfaces.  It does this by checking your ifcfg 
files under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts for the interface you specify for 
each network.  Can you check that enp1s0f1 ifcfg file is not set to dhcp and 
has IP and NETMASK/PREFIX settings in the file?


Tim Rozet
Red Hat SDN Team

----- Original Message -----
From: "Francois Guay (A214312)" 
To: "Jamo Luhrsen" <jluhr...@redhat.com<mailto:jluhr...@redhat.com>>, "Patrick 
Lemay" <patrick.le...@bell.ca<mailto:patrick.le...@bell.ca>>, 
Cc: "Jocelyn Poulin (6007251)" 
Sent: Friday, November 4, 2016 2:59:14 PM
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Apex] deployment error

Patrick, Jamo,

I did the libvirt-python install and it solve the problem. (see attached)

Now, we need to add the two missing nodes to get the five required nodes. I 
will give it a try and let you know.

Thanks Jamo.

Patrick, I'll let you share with Jamo what you did with the admin_network and 
public_network stuff.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jamo Luhrsen [mailto:jluhr...@redhat.com]
Sent: 4 novembre 2016 12:04
To: Lemay, Patrick; 
Cc: Poulin, Jocelyn (6007251); Guay, Francois (A214312)
Subject: Re: [opnfv-tech-discuss] [Apex] deployment error


I've had similar problems trying to get apex baremetal to work on the jumphost 
I'm working with.  I hit the libvirt issue the other day.  I think I just did a 
"yum install libvirt-python"  try that.

I'm still stuck on what I need to do with the admin_network, public_network 
stuff that I think you have overcome recently.  Can you recap the steps you 


On 11/04/2016 08:47 AM, Lemay, Patrick wrote:
> Hi I finally create the br-public by hand instead of script. It work
> but now I’m stock to another. «ImportError: No module named libvirt».
> I’m using your deployment cd. All the dependencies should be install. I start 
> to tshoot the problem but I’m sure that you’ve already see that bug.
> All python version installed:
> [root@jumphost opnfv-apex]# python
> python      python2     python2.7   python3     python3.4   python3.4m
> Output from the opnfv-deploy script:
> INFO: virsh networks set:
>  Name                 State      Autostart     Persistent
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> admin_network        active     yes           yes
> default              active     yes           yes
> public_network       active     yes           yes
> All dependencies installed and running
> 4 Nov 10:58:33 ntpdate[27293]: adjust time server offset
> -0.002592 sec
> Volume undercloud exists. Deleting Existing Volume
> /var/lib/libvirt/images/undercloud.qcow2
> Vol undercloud.qcow2 deleted
> Vol undercloud.qcow2 created
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/configure-vm", line 8, in
> <module>
>    import libvirt
> ImportError: No module named libvirt
> Thanks,
> *From:*Lemay, Patrick
> *Sent:* November-01-16 11:42 AM
> *To:* 'opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org'
> *Cc:* Bernier, Daniel (520165); Guay, Francois (A214312); Poulin,
> Jocelyn (6007251)
> *Subject:* Bell deployment config
> Hi guys, I have some issues regarding opnfv baremetal deployment. I
> install a jumphost from opnfv cd. I configure the inventory with IPMI ip mac 
> and users.
> I’m not sure that I configure the network_settings correctly for 
> public_network.
> For the deployment I use pod 2 and pod 3 from the drawing. The server
> Catherine is use for the jumphost. Interface enp1s0f0 is for pxe and
> enp1s0f1 is for public_network . The other 5 servers are for
> deployment IPMI ready. All interfaces in vlan
> 1020 are pxe ready and disk are configured raid 1. I have a problem deploying 
> undercloud.
> I have this error related to the undercloud deployment:
> INFO: Creating Virsh Network: admin_network & OVS Bridge: br-admin
> INFO: Creating Virsh Network: public_network & OVS Bridge: br-public
> INFO: Bridges set:
> br-admin
> br-public
> enp1s0f0
> INFO: Interface enp1s0f0 bridged to bridge br-admin for enabled
> network: admin_network
> /var/opt/opnfv/lib/common-functions.sh: line 18: 5 - ( / 8) : syntax
> error: operand expected (error token is "/ 8) ")
> ERROR: IPADDR or NETMASK/PREFIX missing for enp1s0f1
> ERROR: Unable to bridge interface enp1s0f1 to bridge br-public for
> enabled network: public_network
> Could you help please? There is no vmware at all in the setup only baremetal..
> Regards,
> Patrick Lemay
> Consultant Managed Services Engineering Bell Canada
> 671 de la Gauchetière O. Bur. 610, Montreal, Quebec  H3B 2M8
> Tel:  (514) 870-1540
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