Hi, I took these directly from the Etherpad we used to capture meeting minutes of the OPNFV Dovetail team today:
https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/collabrationofdovetail # Dovetail meetup in Openstack Barcelona TIME: Tuesday October 25, 1:00 - up to 3:00 PM Local time PLACE: lunch area, we will try to find a table and send location description out via email, irc (opnfv-meeting) and this page. Please check shortly before 1:00PM. place for the meeting: P2(213) - lunch buffet hall in P2 - we will be at the table at the far left near the window as you come in. see you at 1pm. Attendance: * Wenjing Chu * Chris Price * Hongbo Tian * Dave Neary * Tim Ihrnich * Leo Wang * Serena (Xiaoewei) Feng * Leif Madsen * Luke Hinds * +1 (did not get name) Meeting notes: * Test case template review * Chris's proposal was based on IEEE template * Wants a discussion on which pieces of the template are useful, and which are not * Needs longer conversation - what do we expect people to be doing? * Need a good example + pointer to requirements to reinforce best practices * What are we trying to accomplish? * Documentation of test cases * Don't want Dovetail team to take all the load - want testing teams to propose candidate test cases for inclusion in the Dovetail suite, which we can then massage into shape for inclusion * Creating a framework for distribution of the work - need to improve how the user manual is put together too in the docs team, Dovetail can follow what the docs team is doing in the next iteration * Chris will work on language and specification for Dovetail test cases * Need to easily provide a linting of test case proposals to allow people to know where they stand before submitting. Chris says he wants to be able to read the test case and do the test at the same time (so test cases can read like a manual test script, in addition to an automated test * Test coverage * Need to work with the testing working group to make it easier for people to run tests locally, document how to add test cases and document how to run test suites better for community adoption and use * As part of that, we need to work with the testing team, who will propose candidate test cases for Dovetail inclusion * Other test case requirements * Security review? Require test case submitters to include a security impact section at time of proposal * Also need to ensure that we are not requiring insecure interfaces or features as part of OPNFV certification * Release of dovetail * Frank proposed to release the C certification at the same time as D, Wenjing proposes aligning with Colorado 3.0 (3 months after Colorado) * Chris says we need to know what we need to release first, then once we have that we can release * Suggests that there's a lot of work for a testing project after releasing for Dovetail requirements, and that 3.0 is a good target aspirationally, but doesn't work for our first release until we know what we need for the first release * Wenjing asks for a commitment to a calendar, Dave reminds that the C&C Committee expects a test suite for the Plugfest in Novemer, Chris says calendar should not matter, we need to understand what will be in Dovetail first. * Chris wants to have a loose coupling of the Dovetail certification process from the "plugfest test suite" tool and test cases - test cases can be added to the test tool without being part of the certification spec * Terminology guide for Dovetail * We are using terms like scenario incompatibly with the OPNFV usage - we should do a Dovetail lexicon with Dovetail terms and concepts and definitions - need to put together a wiki page, and ensure all of the test tools and wiki pages are consistent in usage * Test tool * Leif Madsen is working on getting the test tool working stand-alone, and will work with Leo to document how to use the tool, and help fill gaps for a first time user. * Patch review * https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/q/project:dovetail * We have a bandwidth issue for patch review right now - also, need to be wary of the perception issue of patches and +2 reviews - in the VIM operations test case, for example, https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/22855/ there was a -1 from a committer, indicating the need for changes and discussion * upstream and requirements * multiple sdn controllers * Taking an example: SFC - what would need to happen before adding SFC to Dovetail? * Need adoption criteria - we don't want to adopt a new feature the day it gets committed, target audience is product vendors. * Want to include features because the industry has a need that we can fulfill * OPNFV is in some sense between upstreams and vendors at one side, and customer demands on the other side * Multiple Northbound interfaces (networking-sfc, Tacker + ODL SFC), multiple controller implementations (ODL, ONOS, OpenContrail), and multiple Southbound options (OVS + NSH, VPP) * Wenjing: Not our role to push a single implementation or interface. If there are competing implementations, the community needs to work towards alignment, or if Dovetail wants to add the feature, then have tests which can test either interface. Test tool implementation for the test should be able to switch for different implementations * Dave: Do we end up with 6 tests for SFC for networking-sfc, Tacker + ODL/ONOS/OpenContral + OVS/VPP? Earlier discussion suggested we could use Tacker as a single abstraction/interface point for multiple vSwitch, SDN controller options (Wenjing: does everyone agree on Tacker? ;-) ) * Dave: If NSH capable VPP is released upstream, but the NSH patch does not make it into OVS, is it appropriate to add a test that requires NSH to Dovetail? * Wenjing: Probably not, because OVS is more widely adopted at this point (see adoption criteria earlier) * Are there any cases of out-of-tree patches that have been widely adopted but never made it upstream? Maybe RT_PREEMPT? * Upstream requirement had broad support in C&C, Dovetail, TSC - so we should be comfortable with this as a requirement for compliance, esp. since compliance is usually not cutting edge. * Dovetail test tool * Aiming for 2 config files, one for "these are the total tests run", and one for "Dovetail certification tests" - we need to lower the acceptance bar for tests added to the former * Need timely review of patches for tests in the "full test list" config file * Request that the test tool output be human readable and provide more complete output from the test runs than just "Pass/Fail" /* Following topics not discussed */ dovetail output: API, testcases, commpnents, features and tools abstract: give an abstract introduction of project output for dovetail certification details?link of project output for dovetail certification( recommand the new etherpad for the link. ) link to Dovetail: https://wiki.opnfv.org/projects/dovetail -- Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338 _______________________________________________ opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org https://lists.opnfv.org/mailman/listinfo/opnfv-tech-discuss