As far as I understand for OpenStack they just mirror it to github, any
code review and patch acceptance is still done in OpenStack gerrit.

OPNFV should have the mirror so that a broader ecosystem of software
developers could be built for NFV even if they could only browse the code
on github

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:13 AM, Ashlee Young <>

> In the fashion I mentioned, it doesn't bypass the our governance.
> One of the issues we always have to contend with is the DCO. It still
> requires that the Dev that is ultimately bringing something into our
> ecosystem is doing some level of due diligence. But this isn't a new risk.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Sep 26, 2016, at 7:28 AM, Heather Kirksey <>
> wrote:
> Lots of good thoughts here.
> One other thing is the legal aspect -- I know that developers don't
> necessarily like lawyers and don't like legal constraints impinging on
> their innovation and their work. On the other hand, as an open source
> project that holds the communal IP for important work for our industry, we
> have to be mindful of our IPR rules and enforcement of them; otherwise we
> open ourselves up to some thorny legal situations that can really get in
> the way of what we're trying to accomplish. Many of our (not currently
> strongly enforced) policies around OPNFV repo usage are influenced by that.
> That's not to say our current default is the only way to do things, but if
> we start to explore some other things we do have to keep that sort of thing
> in mind.
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Ashlee Young <>
> wrote:
>> I can make a meeting on 10/6, but will be on my way back from Disney :)
>> So, previously, I had my Github location as my primary spot, which worked
>> great for trying to build up a community. It was easier than the current
>> private Gerrit arrangement. But it also has a downside. After discussion
>> with the other TSC members, I changed the flow up and I made the
>> repo the primary and then made the Github location the
>> mirror.
>> These are things I had to deal with:
>> 1) Create a robot to update the mirror as Gerrit changes. This was also
>> built into my build script. But a robot kinda has to be in place to keep
>> the two locations in sync.
>> 2) The problem on the Github side is that there's no real place to tie
>> into the Gerrit workflow. So I made a quarantine area for people to upload
>> a directory structure and some code for us to verify and test.  This made
>> it easy to accept contributions in the mirror. But it ensure they were
>> going to be out of sync with Gerrit.
>> By the way, all additions are out of sync with Gerrit unless you're on
>> the review. So I don't see why this is new for the committers.
>> 3) Since the same code has to be reviewed by the same reviewers, really
>> the only extra step is to get the code then from the Github side to the
>> appropriate Gerrit folder location. This would have to be done by either a
>> committer or contributor with Gerrit access. If done by a committer, it
>> could be done with a +2 if the code had already been reviewed on the Github
>> side.
>> 4) Downsides of the process is that while the outside contributor can be
>> viewed as the contributor in the original Github side of things and even in
>> the copyrights, he/she won't show in the statistics because the final
>> commit will have to be someone with access to the project in Gerrit.
>> Then again, let's not forget that someone on the outside can easily
>> obtain Gerrit access. They don't need to be a member. One of us in the
>> community could easily walk them through stuff to be added. This is merely
>> to ensure the directories and the community is broadly viewable by the
>> outside world, so that we can get them to help us, or to at least use what
>> we've developed. And that's key. At the end of the day, we also want our
>> code re-used.
>> I hope this helps some.
>> Best,
>> Ash
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Sep 26, 2016, at 3:10 AM, Raymond Paik <>
>> wrote:
>> Luke,
>> "External" repos is something we want to have a discussion on in
>> early/mid October (borrowing Bin's Thursday Technical Community Discussion
>> mtg.)
>> In OpenStack, if someone contributes to the github repo, do some of those
>> github contributions also get "moved" to the main OpenStack repo?  If yes,
>> how is that done?  My understanding is that you also need a contributor
>> agreement in OpenStack (
>> question/89871/does-the-company-need-to-be-a-member-of-the-
>> foundation-in-order-for-employees-to-contribute-code-
>> on-behalf-of-the-company/)
>> Thanks,
>> Ray
>> On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Luke Hinds <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am sure this might have already been discussed, if so apologies.
>>> Is there any reason we don't mirror our repos to github (similar as
>>> happens with openstack).
>>> I ask as it could encourage more developers to get involved by
>>> increasing exposure (especially for independents).
>>> We already have an org in place
>>> Regards,
>>> Luke
>>> --
>>> Luke Hinds | NFV Partner Engineering | Office of Technology | Red Hat
>>> e: | irc: lhinds @freenode | m: +44 77 45 63 98 84 |
>>> t: +44 12 52 36 2483
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> *Heather Kirksey*
> Director, OPNFV
> Mobile: +1.512.917.7938
> Email/Google Talk:
> Skype: HeatherReneeKirksey
> IRC: HKirksey
> [image: OPNFV_RGB.png]
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